
I don't think there's much more to glean about the race until the conventions. Because this is a rematch and because both candidates are unpopular, people seem more tuned out than at any time since the turn of the millennium. We see this in cratering political media ratings.
there are two major upcoming events before then- debate, Trump sentencing- that I think could matter
have my doubts about the debate making much difference UNLESS someone has a complete breakdown in a way that the camera captures
everyone on both sides is going to claim the other guy had such a breakdown
It will be very difficult to hide if Trump's brain is actually as cooked as I think it is. Biden may mangle a couple of words but can speak an extemporaneous complete sentence.
i feel like the trump team will try to keep him on a dozen scripted answers and he could well manage it
Oh, but he's gonna WANT to rant about Sleepy Joe Biden and Hunter and the laptop and how you just can't flush your turds any more, folks, and it's because of "woke."