
Why do you think Black women are too incompetent to defeat Trump?
You implied that if Biden stepped down, Harris - who as incumbent VP would be the natural candidate to take his place - could not win against trump.
My comment was a joke. I don't care for Harris because she is a Wall Street puppet. As unpopular as she is, I think she would have a better chance of winning than Biden. I think one of the popular swing state Dem governors would have the best chance of beating Trump.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were joking. I'm just astonished at how many people are freaking the fuck out and torching friendships over Joe Biden. As if Kamala is OBVIOUSLY unfit and a terrifying prospect, because "well...YOU know why."
idk what my thoughts on Kamala replacing Joe are, but i do think it’s a valid question to ask whether there’s a big enough part of the voter base that’s too racist and/or misogynist to vote for her over ‘old white guy’
Also, Harris is not "black women." She is a very specific candidate with her own specific qualities and track record. How the hell do you extrapolate from someone's opinion of her what they think about all black women. It's absurd.
You asked what the other poster meant. I explained it.
The only plausible explanation for why people would act as if there were no VP at all is if she were invisible to them for some reason.
I totally get what you're implying. (Nice Ralph Ellison reference.) I don't doubt it's a factor for some people, but I totally disagree that it's the only plausible explanation. She has never been popular. The big donors have always been her primary constituency.
If you don't like Tromp, don't vote for him. Who said anything about wanting him to win.
My comment was satire. As ridiculous as it is, it is an argument that I have seen countless times on twitter. My actual opinion is that of course Biden needs to drop out so Dems can field a decent candidate who can beat Trump.