sympathizer of many, many different dimensions

sympathizer of many, many different dimensions

"This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal." - Aaron Bushnell
Stop calling him “President Trump” challenge 2024
Today is the youngest Joe Biden and Donald Trump will ever be
Israel really gives the West a hard time. Every major politician will be in the middle of calling out a Russian war crime while they have to ignore the fact that Israel has bombed children's playgrounds, schools, hospitals, refugee camps, and football games within weeks
Investigative reporter Alessandra Bergamin identified 573 extrajudicial killings of climate activists in 10 hotspot countries between 2014 and 2024. About half involved the state—and each country had received substantial training and weaponry from the U.S.
The Death Squads Hunting Environmental Around the world, government forces regularly attack environmental activists with impunity—and U.S. support.
“When workers come together collectively to do something and they win, it builds extraordinary solidarity, whether it’s to vote against a shitty president or take control from their boss.”
Jane McAlevey: We Desperately Need a Mass Strike Against the Billionaire An interview about politics and power.
Parkinson's experts reveal how bad Joe Biden's heath could get over the next four years
Internal State Department report leaked to me reveals the US surveyed people in Muslim-majority countries on their perception of the US amid the Gaza war, and the results are pretty dire.
Leaked Polling Signals and one surprising bright spot
Israel just bombed a bunch of Palestinian children playing football. There's footage of the entire thing. Over 29 confirmed dead already. The West is complicit in genocide
Trump is promising retribution. The Supreme Court is teeing it up for him. Biden has to act like he has six months to abolish as much of the War on Terror as possible. Abolition is central to retaining what passes for democracy in the US, and time is running out. New from me at Zeteo.
Biden Must Abolish War on Terror Now or We Risk Trump's Political "Retribution" Trump already used the institutions and authorities of the 9/11 era on Americans in 2020. What will he do with "absolute immunity"?
The corporate takeover of American politics was rapid and ruthless. In the 1970s, I watched as thousands of corporate lobbyists descended on Washington. Fast forward to today, and lobbying has become a multi-billion dollar industry. It all began with the Powell Memo.
Celebrity admiral turned media commentator promotes baseless election panic with flashing red GIF from the new Pixar movie "Inside Out 2". Full story:
I would like every insurer offering such insurance to publish who purchases it.
Intelligence committee chairman, not a dismissible figure. (Unfortunately!) If Biden has to drop out, doesn’t he have to resign? I don’t understand how he could be incapable of being the nominee but capable of governing.
But you don’t look at that guy and think “oh he definitely won’t be able to do this X years from now.” You look at that guy and think “oh he definitely isn’t able to do this *right now*.” And getting him out validates that.
Two men's cases - Bobo & Ferguson - prosecuted for murder & given life in prison when Amy Klobuchar was Hennepin County Attorney, have striking similarities to two others recently freed from their wrongful convictions & life sentences, Myon Burrell & Marvin Haynes.
Recanted Jailhouse Testimonies Lead to Renewed Calls to Release Bobo and Ferguson - UNICORN Family and advocates of Deaunteze Bobo and Jermaine Ferguson renewed demands for their loved ones, who they believe are innocent, to be released from MN prison.
Pretty awesome Jeremy Corbyn won as an independent with grassroots campaigning and support from youth and POC voters. Definitely shows that pro-Palestine politicians who call out the genocide in Gaza can win
Enjoyed writing this, hope you enjoy reading it. Happy 4th everyone.
not for nothing but Hitler was also notoriously indolent. slept until noon, procrastinated on major decisions, whiled away hours on urban planning fantasies, etc etc
The problem with Trump as a fascist isn't that he's not a fascist, it's that he's very fucking lazy. But that's also why his second term is so scary, cos the GOP know that now and they made the plans for him this time
"viewing Trump as something like a fascist leader foresaw the violence of January 6th as a live possibility, while its critics mocked the notion as mere hysteria. Whatever its shortcomings, “Trump as fascist” remains the best guide to what Trump will try to do next"
What's In a A Canned Post
The DNC's rationale for moving up the nomination date, even as increasing numbers of Democrats would like to see a different candidate on the ticket, doesn't hold up. From
Why Is the DNC Holding an Early Nomination? Today on TAP: The reason was supposed to be a deadline in Ohio. But Ohio changed their law.
That’s because when they consult with “industry” they’re consulting with C-suite folks They might do a photo op on a factory floor but they’re not convening a roundtable with factory floor workers and small-shop owner-operators
If you want to understand why the world is so chaotic it helps to recognize how many people in positions of influence and real power get their understanding of global politics from pieces like this.