
"We were the first companion," the dog said, "the first ally and friend." "Well done you," the cat said. "After us, the humans befriended cows, sheep, goats, and pigs." "Humans domesticated so many animals." "And you." "Us?" the cat said. "We only domesticated one. Humans." #MicroFiction
I'm not entirely sure, this is MicroFiction and not MicroReality though :D
I’m not sure why this is science fiction
I love this because it’s so true. My take on the last sentence: "Us?" the cat said. "We only domesticated one, and they’ve never realised." But it’s perfect as is.
~nods~ Confirmed. We had a cat that was constantly trying to train us. She could *not* understand why we wouldn't just stay on the couch constantly (when not tending to her needs) & why we kept changing her environment (cleaning). There was much indignant squeaking.
Avatar This factual documentation has been labelled as fiction. Weird eh? :)
"Wow!" exclaimed the dog, "how did THAT happen?" "It was simple," the cat replied smugly. "First, we ha...haaaa...HAAAUGH, HAUGH HAUGH KORFFF HOCK HWEEeeggh. Ptooie. Ugh. Sorry, hairball. What were we talking about?" #MicroFiction