
as much as i think that debate was bad for biden i also find myself contemptuous of the assorted libs having a full blown panic attack
I have been using words which are much less kind about them. It's a disgraceful spectacle.
It's like they've never seen an election before. Elections are close and scary sometimes! Grow up! This kind of public bed wetting just makes you (and the candidate) look weak. Don't do it.
He is weak, and no amount of posturing is gonna change that. I'm probably older than you.
I mean "weak" is a relative (and subjective) thing. You could imagine a better candidate, sure. But you don't get to make your imaginary candidate magically appear. And if Biden is "weak" his opponent is dramatically weaker.
He was a weak candidate in 2020, but Trump was so self-evidently awful that people rightly chose a return to normalcy. A single Biden term makes sense. Biden is imho mostly good on policy. But policy is only one factor in elections. Nobody wants to ride a bus whose wheels are visibly coming off.
If he was such a weak candidate in 2020, why did he beat all his primary challengers?
Because the field was fractured, people wanted to go back to the sanity of the Obama admin, Biden was the safe compromise choice, and he was experienced. He's still experienced, but he's far less sharp than he was then. Contrast 2020 debate footage with today's.
The field was fractured? What combination of other candidates' votes would have allowed a different candidate to win? I guarantee the next debate will have you eating your words.
Sanders and Warren were fighting for the same pool early on in my view. The next debate isn't until September, too far away to alleviate voter's doubts about Biden. He can't unring the bell of him completely losing his train of thought multiple times, starting from the very first question.
Handing every warren vote to sanders or vice versa still wouldn't have come close to beating Biden. Warren and Sanders voters also aren't interchangeable. You have clips? Because it didn't seem like he lost his train of thought to me.
The troublesome clip that I saw was clearly a man with a speech disorder that couldn't get the prepared words to come out right. We all knew this about him and it says zero about his mental capacity.
That pool was unfortunately less than the majority. That was a problem that was never going away.
Fretful weak nonsense like yours is for a therapy session, not social media. Get help
It's about as substantive as "someone invoke a magical anti-democratic process to save the stupid voters from themselves"
Not a compliment but I’ll take it I guess
Biden didn't participate in any primary debates this cycle; if he had performed as poorly as he did this evening voters would probably have made a different choice. It's not that he's a bad debater, it's that he completely lost focus mid-stream more than once.
Hahahahaha primary debates against *who*, exactly? Lmao he did no such thing.
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And he's supposed to last for four years. He's a great guy, has done a lot during his one term, but he needs to acknowledge his physical decline.