
I've been warning people that the media want to watch the world burn so that they can get clicks and views. It's kinda wild to watch them admit it openly.
This is the Capitol Hill reporter vibe on Twitter currently
Went and did some digging. Seems like we could learn some shit from the UK here because constantly swapping leaders ain't do shit for the Torries.
I dunno, it got them 14 years of uninterrupted control of the government.
I think you joking but pretty sure that shit came from the fact they've got practices that tilt the deck in those fuckers favor too. Plus the UK also racist AF.
Not really joking. The worst you can say about the Tories’ parade of PMs was that it didn’t stop them from holding the government for 14 years.
Gotcha. Should've clarified it didn't help them this election. And I don't think it's gonna help here!
Pressed reply too quickly. May tried her best in 2017 to change that
One thing we know about Theresa May: her best is not good enough.
I'm just so glad they're all having fun.
They are aware that they will be caught in the flames, right? Just like members of the Idiot Left who also want the "revolution" to sweep across the country and burn everything to the ground. Fools....