
You’re mistaken. But I understand why since there is a groupthink bubble on this website trying to convince you there is no war in Ba Sing Se. If you’re curious, go read some of the convo among everyday Dems on Twitter. Hard opposite consensus.
Talking about "groupthink bubble" and then telling someone to check out the agitprop Twitter lmao
With respect, Michael, you and the vast majority of bluesky are deep in denial. The debate is happening whether you acknowledge it or not.
Huge deal: 8 members of Congress have now asked Biden to #PassTheTorch. Beyer and Nadler are both very notable.
With all due respect, the one who is in denial is the one literally denying Biden’s repeated and ardent statement that he is not dropping out. “The debate” is something one would expect from a Fox News viewer, after all, The Debate is what matters! The validity is irrelevant!
I dunno…I think you deny that you’re dropping out right up until you do. And I don’t think Biden is the kinda guy who would ignore his party. I’m really not sure where this goes.
Over 70% of Dem Voters want Biden to stay in the race! Why is that not “the will of the party”?
I'm genuinely curious to see this poll! Not doubting you, just wondering if you have a link to it (or else I can go find it if not)
Interesting link, thanks. Can you tell me where you got the 68% number? I can see where it says 32% say he should drop out (I'm one of them). Are you just subtracting 100-32? It seems unlikely to me that 0% of people were unsure? Also of note: -59% of Dems say Biden is too old -5 days ago
So? It's possible to think he's too old and want him to stay in the race.
Yes, I'm just noting that, since elsewhere (not by you) the contrary has been claimed. Anything to say about where you got 68%?
I subtracted. But the cross tabs support my point. A significant majority (66%) want him to stay in the race.
Thanks for finding the crosstabs. Do you notice that independents say he should drop out, 60-35? I guess fuck them, they're not people we should care about?
If they wanted a voice in who Dems choose as their nominee, then they should have registered as Dems.