
there was exactly one interesting jedi, and it was obi wan in the first star wars, and ever since then every story that has focused on For Reals Jedi has sucked because jedi are extremely boring. we can do stories about becoming a jedi or quitting being a jedi, and that's it.
I generally like when fantasy stories are about the fantasy elements, but you do you
jedis aren't fantasy, tho, they're space cops with light batons. their force powers are just an allegory for the state's license to violence.
‘Wizards aren’t fantasy because I have decided to read them as a specific allegory’ is certainly a take, yes
yeah it's just me who thinks jedi are space cops, not wizards. since they act exclusively like police and not ever like wizards in the official releases. the only wizards are the sith.
a jedi cop show/movie would be a good direction, I think!
that what The Acolyte is
You genuinely don’t know what a ‘cop’ is, do you
there's only one cop for me and it's
(seriously, if I can digress a moment, the show's message that "police officers should be reasonable diplomats and community servants + fantasizing about violence while in uniform is the mark of a childish fool" is a great one.)