
I dont get why yall check blocks and mutelists. Theres enough psychic damage on the timeline i dont need to seek it out, who blocked me is between them and god
I have blocked more people than have blocked me, which I call victory.
readers it's going up as we speak. (not you, readers)
still going. every time someone says something I don't care to see, I don't see them anymore, it's great.
(you might object to this but guess what I'll do.)
For a long time I was muting because I wanted to see if I would miss people’s input into conversations because I was being grumpy but it turns out, Dear Reader, that I do not miss them.
I think ive blocked like maybe 300? Probably half were l*li related
I fucking love blocklists that are automatically updated. You have hammer and sickle, swastika or other symbols of totalitarian regimes? Automatic block. You grew out of this? Maybe let’s try to talk and see what’s going on behind this edgy facade.