
holy fuck i can’t think of anyone i want to hear less from than ralph nader
Guy who ran as a relatively popular third party candidate in 2000 and siphoned enough left votes that Bush won
🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 Technically the court did. But that would not have been necessary if not for Nader. I was there. Actually in Florida.
did you read what i posted? more democrats defected to Bush than Nader.
But why would that mean Nader didn't on net take away liberal votes from Gore, just because conservative Democrats voted for Bush?
Like I live in NYC, pretty much every conservative is a registered Democrat so they can vote in the primaries. The Republican party will usually get more Democrats votes here then any third party in presidential elections That doesn't mean a third party can't attract voters who would go for the Dem
lol if its the case that every registered Dem who voted for Bush is a secret republican, why did Clinton handily win florida in the previous election?
Clinton was the last Democratic candidate to have success in a lot of the South, where the party had been losing vote share among registered Democrats since the Civil Rights Act
...because Gore lost Democratic voters to Bush. a very large number of them, much more than Nader "took." if Gore hadnt lost them, he would have defeated Bush easily. That is on Gore and the Democrats, not Nader. if 0 Dems voted for Bush, you could pin the lost on Nader. but they didnt.