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If I ever found myself skeeting my informed opinions about things for other people to read on here, on the regular, I'm pretty sure I'd have an active "just log off" melt down like once a month. Totally in awe of the good people doing it regularly in the face of the replies.
This is such an important story on plastics recycling. I wanted to echo Lisa's description of the games being played with "mass balance" and "free attribution" methods — the means by which the plastics industry makes weak claims about recycled plastic content — as similar to offsets.
1/ Last year, I became obsessed with a plastic cup. The cup was made via pyrolysis — a kind of chemical recycling I'd heard a lot about. The plastics industry made pyrolysis sound magical. It was a way to turn hard-to-recycle plastics into new plastic. So I tried to buy the cup…
If you have anxiety it's because you've done something awful, perhaps unforgivable and it's the talk of the town.
A reminder that there is a lot of highly accessible literature on conspiratorial beliefs and how they spread via social media networks. A quick and short read if you're interested: www.scientificamerican.com/article/cons...
Further, the vast majority of people who believe in the "Lab Leak" are not "conspiracy theorists" - in fact, few are. However, the vast majority of Lab Leak rhetoric, speculation, and accusations are overwhelmingly conspiracists - including the NYTimes piece. 18/
The 4 Stages of Conspiracy Theory Escalation on Social Mediawww.scientificamerican.com Here’s how social media can help conspiracy theories spread and even spark violence
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