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He's been around forever doing tv shows and stage performances. I think his most well known movie is The Three Amigos, but I don't know if people watch that anymore. He shows up on late night talk shows a decent amount, he was hosting tonight show recently, and did some in persona interviews.
I only ask what would Macho Man Randy Savage ask you to do in the moment you are overrun by the Trumpamaniacs?
Snap into a slim jim?
He's everyone's uncle at a cookout doing a political impression that everyone is afraid will turn into a fight.
At this point anyone not liking breakfast sandwiches can die in a fire. Literal war.
It will happen to YOU, you, you, you...
Only through tears.
Totally normal that conservative media has such direct influence with the head of the party.
That's like the Bezos anecdote about Remains of the day being his favorite book and his take away was "don't be that guy".
Yeah, after watching his Stephanopolous interview a few months ago, very scary and aggressive advocacy. Not looking forward to this guy having a wider audience.
I have such a hard time hearing "the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" because it's admission that guns are the problem, but no one saying it sees it that way.
My colleagues & I have studied the social media aftermath of mass shooting events for a decade. We’re still processing the horrifying, abhorrent, and tragic event yesterday, which appears to be an assassination attempt on former President Trump. In case they're useful, here are some first thoughts:
It does! But I've got some bad news if you're from Tennessee.
"it's sounds dangerous and scary, but don't worry no one in Washington is that crazy. Also you should really try and get your act together, otherwise he might do it."
I wish they could at least do us the favor of answering the question seriously, instead of glibly.
I thought Prof. Gersen was claiming certainty in areas that have at least some uncertainty. Also she was saying that we get what we deserve when we open these conversations. For me the 25th amendment conversation for Trump was something the media advocated. Why do I deserve to have it foisted?
Also as my uncle said "closing half the military bases is going to cause world war three" - as in his policy is ideas are also detached from reality.
If I ever found myself skeeting my informed opinions about things for other people to read on here, on the regular, I'm pretty sure I'd have an active "just log off" melt down like once a month. Totally in awe of the good people doing it regularly in the face of the replies.
*informed opinions are purely conjecture.
Some right wing rag came after her for not using religion to be shitty to lgbtq folks.
Stand back and stand by, there were some very bad and ideas and very good ideas on both sides.
It's alright, he's famously bad at convincing people that his lies are true.
He's on this NYT podcast and he was saying something like it would be completely morally bankrupt for Democrats to continue with Biden; rage inducing. I don't often tell recorded voices to fuck off, but oh boy I could not help myself with that one.
I keep thinking of the plan republicans were cooking up in the post OBama victory, where they didn't see a future unless they expanded the party. And they haven't done that, and it seems like their answer to that is just destroying the system to ensure their power instead.
If YOU don't know, maybe don't tell other people what to do based off of it.
It was super depressing to see that Nancy Pelosi lie get trotted out without any push back.
I hope the author learned "something", really anything. What's left of my hope is being crushed under the weight of the bullshit that people give to Trump to let him off the hook.
I was just thinking this. I don't know how anyone who isn't glued to politics could follow, Biden tried, but I all became very news media multiverse very quickly.