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They're fucking good posts. Uhh... oops. I mean, fine posts abound.
In pharmacology I had to learn an antiviral drug that my uncle designed at Merck. I asked him if it was the first NNRTI - "it was the first one that worked."
If im being honest i thought thered be more posts related to Inward Singing/ Kyle Gets Fired From The Band.
What happened to walking on hot coals. That was huge in the... 70s?
KG being fired from the band is a longstanding bit.
I ran over my toe with a pallet jack at the grocery store about 2 months ago and my nail has been dying ever since. I was fully expecting the final pull to be the worst experience of my life - not only was it painless i already had half a new toenail grown underneath!
Being a fan of lacrosse and converting to catholicism at 29 but still being normal may be my biggest achievements.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
Was this typed with one hand
I have physically screamed twice now watching Alcaraz shots in this final.
Who is going to beat Alcaraz at Wimbeldon in the next 10 years. Nobody playing now.
Alcaraz's lone physical limitation, severe acne, appears to be resolved.
He also has the most distinct bilateral discrepancy in arm musculature i think ive ever seen in the sport, possibly just down to the fact that he's 21 (jerks off a lot, not testosterone)
My gut says this will wind up having quite a lot in common with the attempt on Nancy Pelosi and the killing of Shinzo Abe. Complete nuts whose brains have been stewing in conspiracy so long they can't think straight.
A guy wearing gun YouTube merch takes a shot at Trump the same week the epstein cinematic universe turned on him
Based off a few seconds of looking at the youtube channel where the shooter got his t shirt i wouldnt be surprised if this was an epstein/pizzagate thing.
The first promoted video on demolition ranch (for me anyway) is called 'Test Firing a Sawed Off .50 Cal' - this kid has been drinking algorithms probably since before puberty.
I think being shot will do trump a lot of good. He will walk around on stage screaming "HERE I AM" and shit like that while his supporters jizz themselves in ecstacy. No real thought required, just rage vibes. Right up his alley.
When trump has to manufacture his own juice he winds up giving incoherent 25 minute digressions on water pressure in toilets. His juice tank has been filled.
2016 was a juice election. 2020 was a "maybe deciding based on juice is actually bad" election. If 2024 is a juice election we are cooked as a nation.
The video looks like he was actually shot, i hereby put this conspiracy to rest.
The only conspiracy i belueve is that trump wasnt grazed he was just injured by the secret service
np: Pepper by Butthole Surfers, for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
Got my 25 cent bump at Giant for making 6 months, but I also quit.
I have no thoughts whatsover about working at giant. It kind of sucks, kind of is fine. Ahold does not let them invest enough in full time employees.
The only conspiracy i belueve is that trump wasnt grazed he was just injured by the secret service
The speed at which those Dr Ruth, Richard Simmons rule of threes jokes are being deleted right now
I recently watched The Founder, which wastes a great performance by Michael Keaton with a baffling number of purposeless jump cuts.
Mark Knopfler also wrote a song based on the book The Founder, making it the rare book to have a "based on" film and song.
If someone has done a painting based on the book The Founder it will be the most "get the fuck up Pittsburgh!!!" moment of all time in the world of things based on other things
Maybe they will like us for not sanctioning them
I think people just dont like stuff that sucks raw dog ass