
The problem, as always, is that the U.S. system is uniquely bad among wealthy democracies.
The US uniquely never having to rebuild postwar has ironically fucked it because everyone else got to go "okay that's a fine constitution but what would be even better is..." and then did they actually did that
We almost had this with the reconstruction era. John Wilkes Booth really fucked things up.
Don't forget Rutherford B Hayes, the man whose only historical significance is that he ended reconstruction.
Hey, also notable for people inexplicably thinking he's responsible for the Hays Code!
It’s interesting to note that many of the places the US invested in rebuilding after World War II (West Germany, Japan) are parliamentary democracies and not federal republics.
What? Germany is absolutely a federal republic. What are you talking about? A parliamentary system would be superior to ours imho, but that's got nothing to do with a country being federal or a republic.
The Bundestag is a federal *parliament* - closest equivalent is the UK House of Commons
Germany is clearly both of the things you said. While the different States have a very high level self-governance for Europe, it's nothing compared to states in the United States. Bundesrepublik literally means "federal republic"
both of those things being "parliamentary democracy" and "federal republics"
Thai you. The way they're using terms it's to imply that they're exclusive to each other. When in reality they just describe different attributes of how a governmental system is set up.
Germany is a federal parliamentary republic. India is a better comparison as it is structured much the same. If you want to compare in the Commonwealth Australia is a federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy. The UK is unitary not federal despite the devolved parliaments.