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macro bnuuy - 27 - Los Angeles

This account interacts with and posts NSFW stuff

My info:

Banner: TheSociallyAwkwardPinguin
Suit: Salty Bunny Costumes

Favorite #Anthrocon2024 photo: taking a heccin big sip from the camelbak at the rave.
Reposted byAvatar Russec
Reposted byAvatar Russec
Boeing agreed to plead guilty to conspiring to defraud the government in a case linked to crashes of its 737 Max jets in Indonesia and Ethiopia that killed 346 people — a stunning turn after the Justice Department determined that they failed to live up to terms of a 2021 deal to avoid prosecution.
Boeing will plead guilty to fraud related to fatal 737 Max Boeing agreed to take a plea deal offered by the Justice Department to avoid a trial for its role in fatal plane crashes in 2018 and 2019 that killed 346 people.
My personal numbers: Hours slept: 14 Hours in fursuit: 20 Hours looking for acquaintances, playing phone tag and trying to line up schedules: 945,642 Dollars spent in dealers: too much Happy memories made: 100s :)
📈 An absolutely RECORD-BREAKING year! #Anthrocon2024 🤯 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 🐾 Attendance: 17,639 🐶💰 Charity Donation: Over $100,000 (by attendees)! 🚶😺 Fursuit Parade: 3371 🖼️ Covered sticker boards and 6 foot pizza boxes: ✅ See you next year on July 3-6, 2025 for "Deep Sea Adventures"!
First con with a suit is over! It’s very hot, limited visibility, often itches on your face where you can’t scratch, you have to yell to be heard through all the foam… BUT every so often a mom asks you to take a photo with her very excited kids. 10/10 would entomb in carpet again
Reposted byAvatar Russec
Popcorn is the only movie snack where they've really got you by the balls. Yeah let me just discreetly sneak in some hot buttery fluffy popcorn. Get real. You just gotta pay them for it
Reposted byAvatar Russec
Reposted byAvatar Russec
Over $100,000 raised by attendees alone at Anthrocon. I am so tired and happy
Reposted byAvatar Russec
All of these sold! Super jazzed all you horndogs like my stuff ✨💅✨
all set up in the #anthrocon24 art auction >:3 [ #furryart #art ]
I didn’t chose the Bun life, the bun life chose me! (Forgive me, I forgot the name of this other wonderful bun.) #anthrocon #anthrocon2024
Reposted byAvatar Russec
the best part about furry cons is being reminded that there is nothing wrong with you
If you follow me and I block you, it’s because I think you’re a bot. I tend to block mass follower accounts. Just not interested in the F4F spam.
If this resonates with you as an expert in your field, please feel free to hit me up on how to pitch an op-ed to MSNBC dot com
Reposted byAvatar Russec
Writing the intro to the Backerkit page and some of you might find it uh...relevant.
Reposted byAvatar Russec
Sup nerds Introducing: Russec, brought to you by Salty Bunny Costumes!
Reposted byAvatar Russec
eating ass with chopsticks.
Reposted byAvatar Russec
DUUUUDE! Come outside it's so nice out today.
Reposted byAvatar Russec
It's Fenthrocon! See if you can't find me, and feel free to say hello!
Reposted byAvatar Russec
Catlike reflexes. ⚔ (commission)
Reposted byAvatar Russec
Reposted byAvatar Russec
Golden glow Artistic freedom commission #furry #art
Reposted byAvatar Russec
I'm telling future kids this was from a live action balto movie
Reposted byAvatar Russec
Thought experiment: Imagine if Obama, after claiming an election had been stolen from him and being convicted of 34 felonies, was granted immunity by SCOTUS justices who had taken undisclosed luxury trips on George Soros' dime. The fact that you can't even imagine this scenario tells you something.
Reposted byAvatar Russec
UHF in 4K is out TODAY from our good friends at Shout! Factory