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I wonder how well this will age
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
It’s because progressives think you win through running a fucking campaign that mobilizes people against long odds. And the Jared Goldins of the party think you win by offering soundbytes and raising money to spend on ad blitzes.
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
A Crossword Puzzle xkcd.com/2957
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
I sure hope all the Dems calling for Biden to step aside have gamed out the fuckery that the Heritage Foundation is planning www.notus.org/2024-electio...
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
There are two elements to the immunity decision that are particularly extreme in a way that many will miss: (1) motive is irrelevant and (2) immune acts are not just excluded from prosecution, they’re excluded from evidence. /1
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
basically it feels like the commentariat is composed of children who never seem to consider that politics is made up of many hard decisions and now, confronting the fact that maybe they made the wrong one, are throwing a tantrum and insisting the world instantly manifest their whims.
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
Time after time in every era, we find that the wealthy oligarchs *oppose* policies that would lead to faster economic growth and they welcome destructive reactionary economic measures because they'd always rather protect their power than grow their wealth.
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
What's cool about looking back at the history of college protests is that 19 year old students have been right about every single American war, and the esteemed Harvard educated opinion writers at the New York Times have been wrong about every single American war.
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
one of the coolest parent experiences is realizing your child has made a mental leap you get used to who they are at their current developmental level and then one day they say something and you realize, wait, they’re a new and more complicated person now and I get to find out who that is
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
we put together little Easter baskets for the kids and man it’s fun to come downstairs in the morning to bouncing excited children who can’t wait to show off what they got also: “the Easter bunny gave us the same things so we won’t fight!” yeah, buddy yeah he did
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
There is nothing more American than being an immigrant. Full stop.
You can either acknowledge that immigrants are just like us and figure out how to best welcome them or you can view immigrants as a problem to be defeated and the Democrats are on the wrong side. Offer a new vision, cowards. www.hamiltonnolan.com/p/anti-immig...
Anti-Immigration Democrats Fuck Offwww.hamiltonnolan.com Offer the public a different vision, cowards.
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
“Do you want to hop on a quick call about this?” N   O     O      o      o       o      o      。     。    .    .     .
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
Midwestern states ranked by how good they look: 1. Michigan 2. Wisconsin 3. Minnesota 4. Pennsylvania 5. Illinois 6. Iowa 7. Ohio 8. Indiana
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
All the Generative AI data filling up the internet and search engines needs to be called what it is, Data Pollution.
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
I am once again asking Larian to make a discworld game
At least I'm already drunk
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
Nothing has radicalized me on immigration more than graduate advising. We are bringing many of the most brilliant people on the planet here, paying to train them as cutting edge scholars, and then making it pointlessly difficult for them to stay here and use those skills to benefit society.
If the border were open, they would be coming legally. Since it's not, here's what "coming legally" looks like. www.cato.org/blog/why-leg...
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
Tired: Millennials and Gen Z are cruelly killing the old world Wired: Millennials and Gen Z are lovingly midwifing the new world struggling to be born
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
We know how to stop Covid (and it would probably do for a lot of other diseases too). We lack the will.
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
“For some reason arresting people for skipping a subway fare makes sense to people while no one would consider doing so for the identical crime of not feeding a parking meter” @eschatonblog.com
Cop Budgetswww.eschatonblog.com A whole range of people - from centrist "good government" types to libertarians to "fiscal conservatives - are just completely silent on abs...
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
Israel has issued a censorship order directing media to “submit to the Censorship all materials dealing with the activities of the Israeli Defense Forces.” Read the full order here:
Exclusive: Israeli Military Censor Bans Reporting on These 8 Subjectstheintercept.com The highly unusual, English-language order for the Gaza war breaks from the secretive and informal way IDF censorship normally works.
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
This is what @mguariglia.bsky.social and @jesspish.bsky.social were taking about on here the other day—that the police are consolidating their status as having super-citizen rights, a “baronial” class (as Jess put it) that simply has more rights than the rest of us.
Cops in Waltham, MA have shut down the city for TWO DAYS for a police funeral - and forced the schools to close at short notice because the cops commandeered the school buses for the event! We need to stop putting up with this madness. www.reddit.com/r/boston/s/p...
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
I think the best possible reason to celebrate Kissinger's death - to be as loud and crude and discourteous as possible about it, to never stop saying what he did, to stink bomb the funerals and piss on the graves - is to let todays war criminals know that we will do it to them too.
I guess.... Kissinger is a reminder to all of us just how little the judgement of history actually means, and how the way the rich, the powerful and the safe feted him for years shows who they truly are and what they truly believe more than anything they profess in office
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
I will say as I always do, we don't vote to elect saviors. We vote to elect targets, targets we can organize and win pressure campaigns against. (And to keep the fash away from levers of power.) Go vote in some targets today!
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
With the new fees, Elon’s Twitter is going to be 100% con men and marks. Just an ouroboros of wallet inspector scams.
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
Reposted byAvatar Ohai
getting kicked out of the tech leaders slack for continuing to call weekends "microdosing sabbaticals"