Michael. πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ πŸ”œ AC!

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Michael. πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ πŸ”œ AC!


πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ he/his cis

❀️ furries, C++,games,open mics,🎹,🎢,travel,πŸ”₯,3d prints,🌲,cats,🦊,πŸ¦•πŸ¦–

4 Immigrants,✊🏿,♀️,πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ,πŸͺΆ,πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ rights

I'm still figuring out how to fly in the blue sky.
True words… For so long in my life, I thought I was broken and messed up. Turns out, I was just with the wrong people. Like the story of the Ugly Duckling, when I found my people, I came to truly live and love my life!
People just keep getting hotter on bsky. Fuck yes. Slay.
Last night was awesome at #Anthrocon2024. I have not danced in a long time, but I did.. And even wiggle fox was here!
The people selling these sold out! But I was able to order one... ❀️❀️❀️
Anthrocon is wonderful. Rave time! Really reminds me of the old goth clubs where you can just dissappear into the music and not care anymore.
Recently, I've been posting the same stuff here and on that space babies site in an attempt to switch more to this place
Do you like furry conventions? Tonight, the hosts of BBM will be discussing con do’s and don’ts, talking about AC seemingly in real time but not really, and then bravely journey into topics unknown. o7 #furry #podcast youtu.be/coW0gxgXLRo?...
There's A Topic Here Somewhere... - Season 2 Episode 26youtu.be ANTHROCON IS HERE!!! If you're listening to this and are at the con, come say hi! This week we discuss con etiquette, AnthroCon in general, as well as the us...
Yeah! I'm in the (very long) registration/check in like for Anthrocon!
I love eating pretzels, especially the stick ones of all sizes. I pretend I’m a beaver or rodent. Nomnomnomnom.
Tagging all friends, especially those dealing with living with pain, stress, money issues, political stress, work stress, heart stress. If any of these apply, please consider yourself personally tagged. And know, you are appreciated
But is more effort to roll all the way to the bowl of food. And harder to get into the good sleep spots like chair. Or the human’s pillow for hacking up hairballs. It’s a conundrum.
I might have to stop watching politics for a bit. I have made up my mind for the fall, and watching this train wreck is getting me kinda sick.
CW: Politics Today, I became a single issue voter, for the first time in my life. imho SCOTUS failure has kicked open the real possibility of authoritarian rule, something antithetical to the American Experiment, and something I can not support.
For at least a year, a lot of us decided Pride month wasn’t enough due to all the anti-2SLGBTQIA+ laws being enacted & hate crimes against us, especially our Queer BIPOC siblings, so July became Pride part 2, aka, Wrath Month.
I’m 125% in on this!
For at least a year, a lot of us decided Pride month wasn’t enough due to all the anti-2SLGBTQIA+ laws being enacted & hate crimes against us, especially our Queer BIPOC siblings, so July became Pride part 2, aka, Wrath Month.
A second NHS whistleblower has confirmed that the UK government knowingly covered up the deaths of 16 children whose access to care was disrupted by the Bell v Tavistock ruling in order to justify further even more extreme bans on that very same care. youtu.be/vu6Ja-l5Kb4
I like the idea that the result of division by zero is a binary superstate of positive and negative infinity, where one can't ever determine which, due to Heisenburg's Uncertainty Principle, and if you get too close to the answer, you might time dilate yourself into having another sleepless night
The LGBA continues to be scumbags. This time, they're saying that asexual people weren't mistreated for their sexual orientation, Meanwhile, one of the closest people to me was sexually abused by someone trying to "fix" his asexuality.
lol, John Oliver (showing the "straight pride" flag): β€œIf you’re having trouble picturing that, this is the straight pride flag. Which, to be honest, really screams β€˜Heterosexuality is a prison.'"
Respect to Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera and all the unnamed and unknown queens and dolls and fairies that put on for Gay Power and Queer Liberation. πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ
I wish I had an all seeing floating eye as a friend
the thing is, this isn’t even new, the EMAILS! reporting looked about the same and clinton cash was more or less a successful planned op that depended on the NYT’s advance publishing and willing participation
If you needed a handy infographic on just how much journalistic malpractice is going on at everyone's favorite publications
Good Morning. I love how the sun shines through the summer trees in the morning. Nice and all, but I am going back to bed.
Just got my 5mi (8k km) walk in for the day. And I learned not to tweet and treadmill at the same time. Nor play chess on chess_com. But blasting VNV Nation and dancing/prancing my a** off works. I'm pooped, but feel great. I'm down to 293.3lb this morning.
What do you call a party of adventuring kobolds? Co-bold kobolds!