
People being more outraged at the podcast that exposed Gaiman's SA allegations than at Neil Gaiman himself is peak online syndrome
its been at least 4 years now that people have been suss on him what I’m over here thinking is why did it take so long that a podcast with terf connections was the one to break it out
Instead of examining the source we need to examine our biases
they may have even motivated the story! it wouldn't negate what details are verifiably true!
like in disinfo times I sorta got the kneejerk urge to want to pump brakes when this was very first breaking yesterday. But people have to: 1. Believe victims, and 2. Realize that a guy they've admired did something really awful and is not a good person. It's a hard thing to wake up to sometimes.
Please no. You’ve got to be kidding.
The internet community is COMPLETELY different than reality. The internet is a bad place and a reflection of the worlds true colors at times