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please tell me it's nicer here.
proud member of the Ankh-Morpork Posters' Guild.
Reposted byAvatar MishMei
so we have to take tofu to the vet because her ear is still leaking goop despite being cleaned every day. it’ll be about $150 at most. any donation and/or share is greatly appreciated! please and thank you! venmo: gawdzie-z pp on request #MutualAid
is it just me, or is it actually weird to spend days on end arguing that people should not give aid to Palestinians. am I missing something.
Can she just admit that she doesn't give a shit already.
Reposted byAvatar MishMei
Naturally, they didn’t get much media attention outside of the LGBT press, even though every fucking tweet JKR posts gets an article written about it. But you can help spread the word. Tell your friends:
Anyway fuck him. Party politics as a means to achieving gains for trans people appears to be over, for the time being. But I’m not despairing - those young trans people who protested at NHS England were really inspiring. Immensely proud of them.
Teenage trans activists scale NHS England London HQ as protest enters third dayuk.news.yahoo.com Stonewall co-founder Lisa Power reacts: “It’s good to see young people taking direct action against injustice” The post Teenage trans activists scale NHS England London HQ as protest enters third day ...
just look at her lil face. tiny adorable idiot 💖
just learned about Richard Lionheart's death - getting a crossbow bolt in the shoulder from a guy using a frying pan as a shield. imagine being the hero of the 3rd crusade, taken down by medieval Gordon Ramsay.
bluesky get "cute animal pics" right for once, I'm begging you. the one before this on my timeline was a post about eating a barbecued dog...
in these trying times, it feels like everyone might need to see a kitten whose tail is far too big for her, so here is Nephy
so with this latest ongoing drama, is anyone going to maybe rethink this habit of treating internet randoms as demigods, or nah. "clearly that was just the wrong person to worship! I'll now worship this other person from the exact same group of people!"
Reposted byAvatar MishMei
Photoshopkategate has us all in its cloying grasp. So the First Dog on the Moon Institute's graphics boffins have done a deep dive into the truth behind the princess's capitulation to the sinister Adobe corporation. www.theguardian.com/commentisfre...
It’s Photoshopkategate! Here is First Dog on the Moon’s guide to editing royal imagery | First Dog on the Moonwww.theguardian.com It’s not easy being a mysterious celebrity I should know
oh yay, bluesky is back on that shit again huh. "hey everyone here is our group drama BEAR WITNESS"
a person on one of the reading subreddits posted that they'd listened *solely* to the HP audio books on loop for an entire year - and wanted recs for something similar. no-one replied "wtf"
Reposted byAvatar MishMei
Important debunking of Israel's Mass Rape Propaganda! This shows the serious problems of both the NYT and the PHRI position paper (Physicians for Human Rights Israel). The PHRI paper was the first "reference" for the mass rape propaganda. Conclusion: "There is NO EVIDENCE mass rape occurred."
Claims of Mass Rape by Hamas Unravel Upon Investigation - YES! Magazine Solutions Journalismwww.yesmagazine.org Discover insightful articles on Claims of Mass Rape by Hamas Unravel Upon Investigation. Join us in exploring solutions for a just, sustainable, and compassionate world. #Claims of Mass Rape by Hamas ...
ok which "friends" was this "popular with", I just wanna talk
Reposted byAvatar MishMei
This is a thread of letters from people writing to unsubscribe from the NYT because of their mass rape story, now thoroughly debunked. I love the creative insults. And I felt vindicated! WAWOG is asking people to unsubscribe from the NYT. x.com/wawog_now/st... Reposting one of the letters:
this would definitely help. it's absolutely melted people's minds on here.
also maybe we can stop making poasters into minor celebrities?
Shiro is just such a mood
is there a bluesky virus or something that makes people on here lose their shit if you express even mild disagreement with them? I'm polite! I don't leap into threads screaming "U R WRONG NOW DEBATE ME COWARD"!
Reposted byAvatar MishMei
Take, Edit, Share Graphic Pack for A Free Palestine (Images + Canva Templates) drive.google.com/drive/folder...
Reposted byAvatar MishMei
Everyone who perpetuated the story should never be trusted with news on palestine or on being pro Palestine. Nothing we do now can fix the damage done. Nothing we say can bring back tens of thousands of Palestinians brutally genocided.
All fabrication. Not even exaggeration. The NYT claimed there was "a pattern of rape," meaning rape was used as a weapon of war. Our feminist network has been looking at all the "evidence" that has been reported, and studied closely the NYT article, we found that EVERY SINGLE CLAIM was flawed:
Decolonial Feminist Edition (no. 4)sites.google.com MEDIA MANUFACTURES CONSENT FOR GENOCIDE How the New York Times helps Israel Weaponize Rape Allegations against Palestinians
people on this site with too much clout spread these claims unquestioningly, & anyone who questioned them got hounded & placed on blocklists. apologising is the absolute least they shd do - but they won't.
Reposted byAvatar MishMei
the absolute state of twitter dot com in this february of 2024:
you try having christmas in summer??? see how you feel???
the australian accent doesnt actually have an upward inflection thing, they’re just incredibly confused people, always with the questions
Reposted byAvatar MishMei
Im still working on some projects rn and trying to take care of myself (times are really rough for me and my family this last three years) soo here`s one of my favorite Discworld fanarts from various years c: (I love Rincewind he`s such a spirit animal for me : D)
Reposted byAvatar MishMei
“Miss Iris Davis… spends a great deal of time recovering cats with the aid of a "lassoo” from the debris of bombed house. So far she has rescued six hundred of these feline strays, 8 November 1940.“ www.iwm.org.uk/collections/...
I've been away for like a week and there's apparently been HUGE DISCOURSE huh. multiple discourses, even. someone give me a quick summary, formatted APA7 style.
I think it's quite interesting that I expressed reservations about a take on sex work (as both an academic & person who's done different types of sw) and instead of having a conversation, OP chose to do this. a colonial "museum" attitude
I think this isn't a problem with sex work as art or aesthetic, but a problem with how we understand and classify art in terms of arbitrary aesthetic values. To be really blunt about it: this is a legacy of a colonial "museum" attitude about art and aesthetic experience.
bluesky this isn't a cute animal post