
I’m not posting on what should happen with President Biden. We have to coalesce around a candidate, soon & in solidarity. If Biden is going to step (be pushed) aside, let it happen quickly with unanimous support for the new candidate. If he stays in, support him.
We fight on that Slim Charles in The Wire Season3 episode 12
Yeah, the unanimous support for the new candidate thing has always been just one of the huge underwear gnome issues in play here tho
100% agree. I’ve spoken with actual insiders. They have no idea how to get President Biden to step aside, nor any idea how to get unity behind a new candidate. There is far from unanimity on who should be the new candidate, if Biden steps aside. In the absence of a plan, I’d stick with Biden.
Just a small rando voice out here but I have repeatedly referred to the consultants/analysts/pundits/donors as underwear gnomes and I have yet to see a single thing from any them to elevate that description
I guess at least the donors can claim their money takes the place of the ??? step more concretely than a bunch of posts and opinions, but since their money currently has Biden behind in the polls why hasn't it brought him to assured victory already?
Agreed,Although I find it disheartening that he isn’t shown more respect given that he’s a man of integrity who has devoted his life to service. He’s the most accomplished Pres of my lifetime. Ppl/media focusing on his age & not on Trump’s age, criminality, Project 2025 aren’t focused on democracy.
slim charles is the james carville we actually need
I'll support the Democratic nominee. So, Biden.
Everyone must pull up their socks! There is only one choice here: Stop the orange criminal & his evil krewe who want to take away your rights. Put down personal issues, Vote for those who will allow everyone their right to find common solutions, and not for those who are going to take that from you.
Slim is the best. Even if he is a sentimental mfer sometimes.
This is my opinion, I'm not saying you are doing this, but he's already made it pretty clear that he won't step aside. Continuing to talk about pushing/stepping aside is making things worse.
Which means major media outlets will talk about it nonstop. It's the "what about her emails" of 2024.