
The Christianity-centered jurisprudence that Alito favors is increasingly dominant on the Trump-stacked lower courts, where far-right judges casually cite the Bible in opinions and infuse their rulings with theocratic conceptions of morality.
Those Secret Recordings of Alito and Roberts Revealed the True Stakes of the 2024 If Trump wins in November, these Alito acolytes are the future of the Supreme Court.
Which is against the US Constitution but nothing fucking matters anymore Mark.
How is that not immediate grounds for reversal?
This is closer to the core of the problem than an unguarded remark by Alito at a conference, isn't it? There ARE some kinds of issues where people are not going to be convinced, and there is no way to compromise, so one side or the other must win. (This should happen peacefully and democratically.)
But when something is resolved by way of a quasi-rel8gious pronouncement, this may come wrapped in the swaddling of lawfulness, but it isn't democratic. The whole point of Constitutional law is to elevate certain rights above the democratic process, to insist upon proper procedures in lawmaking.
When the construction of individual rights are perverted with religion, it's bad for all sides ofvthe equation. Infusing the law with a particular faith attaints the law and the feedback of faith being incorporated into the positive law will morph the religion over time, radicalizing it.
For example, 1973, three-quarters of the Southern Baptist Convention favored a woman having a right to access abortions and little objection to Roe v. Wade.
We can get back to religion and government being friendly neighbors with houses across the street from one another. It'll be culturally challenging, thanks to boundary-violators like Justice Alito. But we'll all profit from doing it. Yes, including the deeply faithful.
The Christian right has been plotting to take over the government for decades, and they are now making their move. It’s exasperating that a big segment of the population doesn’t seem to understand this as a fascist Christian theocracy looms straight ahead.
Mainly successful at dominating due to gerrymandering by Republican states
So cite them all for 1A violations and get them booted, is that a thing