
Lol. Disney is now citing the SCOTUS Netchoice ruling in support of its motion to dismiss Gina Carano's "Disney firing me from the Mandalorian violates the First Amendment" case that Elon is financing.
She has a wildly successful movie career now, why does she need Disney? /s
She’d have you know that she’s making north of $65k a year as the right-wing grievance avatar that no one of consequence thinks about anymore
I await the NYT's deep dive into it to explain how they didn't mean the law applied to THOSE people.
Along the same lines I'm wondering how many rulings against the administration can now be invalidated in the wake of the immunity ruling. In particular, the student loan forgiveness injunctions. Can laws be overriden by an executive order? Can the WH decide to invent a line-item veto for the budget?
Different things. "The President can't be *criminally* prosecuted within certain, vaguely defined bounds" ≠ "the President can just do whatever extraconstitutional crap they want and there's no way for the courts to enjoin them from doing it."
John, I’m so tired of the “President can do what he wants and ignore Congress!” takes. And I’m not even American. Sigh. I like your succinct response here.
I'm convinced that a lot of people secretly want a dictator to rule over them as long as he shares their views.
☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼 And against all the lessons of recorded history, they maintain the illusion that that’s somehow possible.
what does this mean to non-lawyers??
Moody v Netchoice refers to social media regulation of censoring opinions but the text above seems broader and I believe Disney are arguing they don't need to respect Carano's opinion as it violates their 1st amendment right to exclude conservative opinions. Disclaimer: IANAL
That seems... Like the perfectly expected result of an obvious court case?
Did Disney fire Carano or did they refuse to extend her contract? I have seen both scenarios used to describe the situation, and it is not clear (to me) what action is being argued in court.