
Nothing really captures the moment quite like the clearest voice emerging from Columbia being an ass-ignorant business school clown shrieking that peaceful free expression is making him uncomfortable in the middle of his preferred genocide.
seeing some replies to this about the danger posed by columbia campus protests citing events and expressions not from the campus protests and i gotta say, i definitely can't argue with a point that makes perfect sense if i only replace the contents of my head with thick inert goo
If we can’t hold campus protesters collectively responsible for every protest action in the country, real or imagined, then is this even America anymore?
It's really something how much of a pile-on you get from people yelling at you for supporting Hamas and being a Holocaust denier if you post anything remotely about it no matter how anodyne, like "I think a cease-fire would be good" or "Netanyahu seems like a bad leader"
Be rich, and all your brain drippings become quotable. This also works if you can merely -convince- people you're loaded.
Another satisfied FrogTech customer
you can't replicate these gains with any other method
Fine, I'll say it: Tom Cotton is right. The dog park is in CHAOS. The lesbians let Christmas Present bark all he wants. Kayden never has a poop bag for Count Chocula. Fort Leavenworth and Runner Up are always fucking. And Poppyseeds plays too rough. It's time to send in the National Guard.
The best thing is that he isn’t even like, a finance professor. His courses are like “applying the psychology of thinking to the organization of business.” He might as well teach astrology
Nah, Org psych is a pretty lucrative and desired field right now in business circles
Very telling that the media refers to him exclusively as a “Columbia professor” because elaborating on his job even one word further highlights how frivolous his position is
I can't tell if he's having a manic episode or if every zionist impulse he's ever had gets to fly the freak flag again and he's delighted
this dude is absolutely sprung at a blank check to finally kill what he knows needs killing
I think that's mostly true. The cynic in me also says this associate business professor knows he isn't getting tenure, so he's gunning for a lifetime sinecure as "the professor who was cancelled for supporting Israel"
He’s apparently an assistant prof though, which means not.
ah my bad. I always get those 2 mixed up
There's a lot going on with the Zionist cluster
I hear there's a meteor shower going on around there
So a drum circle makes students feel unsafe but apparently this adult faculty member yelling about what the IDF should do to “terrorists” does not make students feel unsafe
None of this is real. They worked out how to co-opt the language of oppression and now it's just used by powerful freaks to say that being told not to oppress people gives them mental health.
I mean, it’s not new, this is the sort of thinking that was used to rationalize Kent state too
They are thinner-skinned than ever before, a feat I would have thought impossible
I can't wait for one of these assasination coordinates dipshits seeing their fears realized. This dude dead in an alleyway is a straight win for humanity
don’t give them a Horst Wessel!