D - Still Learning

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D - Still Learning


Coming from Post. All photos mine, unless noted. Like to spend time outdoors. Science lover. Travel if and while you can…
We watch it every few years, I watched it recently on a plane and sat there shaking my head thinking history certainly repeats itself.
Came here to also mention Norway is a large oil producer/exporter, but their petrol prices at the pump are extremely high. Consumers aren’t stupid, they recognize good kilometers/mileage with EV when they see it.
Uplifting story of the day. Thanks for sharing.
I laughed at the 2-3 books because I’m always reading at least 2 at a time. Walking (even indoors in this 100 degree heat) is always a great stress reliever.
Yes, this past week has been brutal with bad news day after day, then a million and one comments about how bad it is. I start looking at the gardening, cooking, or travel feeds to get a mental re-set and boost my immune system.
We all need a break from toxic news, the hate spewed by politicians, and the “in your face” political signs, flags, and bumper stickers. I’m tired of the constant election cycles, and jealous of the countries that call elections in 6 weeks to implement change. Kindness and caring are sorely needed.
Thanks for the laugh. We pulled a tomato off the patio yesterday that looked like it was beginning to stew on the vine.
#Alphabetchallenge #WeekCforCircles 🌱 #Travel Spotted at Ann Hathaway Cottage Garden, England - September 2023
This one seems like a no-brainer. Interesting stat about the length of hospital stays when trees are located nearby.
"Strategic placement of trees in cities can help to cool the air between 30-40o F, thus reducing the urban “heat island” effect, helping reduce extreme heat conditions in summer weather." #TreeTuesday #climatesolutions #heatmitigation 🌱📷
We need trees and here’s why… |www.purdue.edu Strengthening lives and livelihoods. Purdue Extension Forestry & Natural Resources 18 https://www.purdue.edu/fnr/extension/we-need-trees-and-heres-why/
They are predicting >50% chance of rain the next couple days, which we desperately need. If it happens, the temps will come down as well. Fingers crossed.
This looks like a nice cool stroll - preferable to the 100 degrees (before heat index) we’re getting here today.
Will admit to eating copious amounts of chocolate and having a milk stout brew today during this dreadful news cycle, but the cannoli would be a great exclamation point tonight.
Yes, indeed, AM and PM, please. Love that zinnia.
Hope you don’t mind me jumping in on this thread. Cannoli shop in Sicily, March 2024. Absolutely wonderful.
Dems need to show this screen every single day until election.
This needs to be replayed every single day by Dems until the election.
But could be good news because everybody (with any sense, not including the die-hard cultists) sees him clearly. I was afraid it would have been Haley and she could have pulled votes in for him.
Timeline cleanse from the constant barrage of awful news. Somewhere off the coast of Crete, Greece - March 2024. #Travel if and while you can…
You know it, I know it, deep-down they know it as well, but it doesn’t matter to them. They will not accept Trump has ever done anything wrong. They hated Obama for…reasons, so anything the Dems do is a witch hunt. Truly no discernment remaining.
I said this to a 20-year service retired military person. The response - a shrug, and “everybody does it”. No, they really don’t…
Don’t estimate the human weathervane Nikki Haley.
One more goose step forward in this country. Beginning to despair it can be turned around.
Apropos of a multitude of things these days…
You as well, Pelzer. Trying to keep my focus on the good in this world, and nature pics like yours certainly help.
And that’s why they’re called the Blue Ridge. Shades of beautiful blue everywhere you look. Great picture.
So peaceful - we could all use some peace and serenity. Thanks for sharing.