
i immediately bought the goat simulator 3 DLC and i am enjoying it very much but i am also getting increasingly frustrated bc so much of it is extremely finicky platforming puzzles which seems like an odd choice for a game where im playing as a goat and the goat controls like shit
like no offense but if i was good at actual video games i wouldn't be playing "Goat Simulator"
in fact i am so uniquely bad at video games that they should hire me as a stress tester bc if there is a way to break a game i WILL find it, completely by accident
I am still at the stage of being single shot dead by any Supermutant that comes along. I'm just about to build my Power Armour. Watch me become invincible shortly. I do love the moment when you've finally got everything together. Yes still playing #Fallout76. What the f is #blacktitanium anyway!