Joe Brown

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Joe Brown

Movies, beer, motorcycles, postcards, general dadness. You may have done a beer trade with me on twitter as j_brownk9
Got a last minute invite to attend the promotion of one of my K9 handlers and his dog. Super proud and excited for this Coast Guardsman (and doggo). Got recruited to take some pictures too, not half bad if I do say so myself.
Lox style and sweet Dutch baby for breakfast
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Rewatching Prey tonight, the original language version this time (did the Comanche version the first two times). This movie is so damn good. Not surprised by extremely frustrated that this didn't lead to more Indigenous horror movies. So many book IPs just waiting to be adapted and nothing!
Today was a good day for a tattoo
Getting some birria made today
Little Debbie > Hostess
I have a trash food confession. I actually dislike most Hostess products. I think a lot of what they make tastes like plastic. However. One week a year, like some kind of sugar starved werewolf, I OBSESS over those plasticky small donuts with the weird waxy chocolate coating. No idea why.
My beard motivation/my beard (pre trim)
LPT, don’t back into fire hydrants there is a whole lot of water in there.
Great line up for those of you who enjoy movie podcasts
Get ready for UNSPOOLED’s Disaster Summer listen wherever you get your podcasts and join the discord to continue the chat.
Here’s to tomorrow’s early shift workers
My favorite ID4 Easter egg is Jeff Goldblum’s “must go faster”
We built our technology off of the Roswell crashed ship in the ID4verse. So of course their Mac was able to upload a compatible virus
On this 4th of July, let us remember the absolute, incredible luck of humanity that, against all odds, the Alien mothership was Mac compatible.
Watching ID4 (as one does) and it always bothers me how these movies forget there are tactical and strategic bombers and not just fighters. Like imagine a squadron of BUFFs dropping 60,000 lbs each onto those city sized saucers.
Idk what a Tori is or why everyone hates them so much. And today is why I don’t care. Happy Birthday America 🇺🇸 🦅 🎂
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I kinda feel like now that the Supreme Court has declared it legal for a president to straight-up murder people they don't like, it's probably even more important to not elect people who seem extremely inclined to murder people they don't like
So great people are already shooting fireworks
It’s not great!
Earliest Cat 5 on record. This is going to be a hell of a season.
I should probably do something about that
On a tour of Santa Barbara and my favorite factoid: this street was named after a pair of Spanish soldiers a long time ago , got drunk, stole a cannon, and promptly “lost” said cannon. I wholly believe this story
Vacation life pro tip. Take an orange from breakfast for your Negroni later. knows
We all remember in our own ways. The best way to honor them is to live your best lives. Don’t waste their sacrifice
Enjoyed a little bowling, pizza, and birthday cake today celebrating the fastest growing twins in San Diego. Can’t believe we are in double digits, time really does fly when you’re having fun.
A dad watching an R rated movie (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood) the way god (or whatever) intended, at 7 am before everyone else is up, with the volume down and subtitles on. And coffee
In order, where have you lived? Pennsylvania Okinawa Louisiana Germany Nevada Wyoming Florida California
Rounds out. Good to be back on the front lines