
I have a trash food confession. I actually dislike most Hostess products. I think a lot of what they make tastes like plastic. However. One week a year, like some kind of sugar starved werewolf, I OBSESS over those plasticky small donuts with the weird waxy chocolate coating. No idea why.
do u think they have a micronutrient, somehow
That'd be kind of amazing if so because I wasn't even sure if they qualified as food. 😆
this is my reasoning every time I need a specific craving. well it has a micronutrient. a cryptonutrient if you will. no one knows what it is but I need it
A new vitamin Hostess invented when they were melting plastics to make cupcakes.
(mysteriously) it could be anything. but if I don't eat six of them I will die. after that I'm fine for like a year and a half though
I think they pull vitamins out of you as you eat them, somehow I will still go in for a twinkie or dingdong but I do think entenmann's ruined me for the little chocolate donuts, theirs rule so much
maybe u need that. too much of something
Oh sure blame the selenium
Once a year or so, I will go feral over the idea of a glazed hand pie, either cherry or peach. Real pie won't fix it, I have to find the snack pies that are mostly gel filling and thick crust preserved in sugar. Makes no sense at all. Two weeks after? They’re disgusting.
Mine has to be either the lemon filling or blackberry I have access to a bakery that does 4” double crust pies with real fruit and their blackberry pie WILL NOT SUFFICE if it’s hostess mini pie week
Right? It’s so random and has NOTHING to do with pie, it has to do with those “pies”. I have similar issues from time to time with various fast food breakfast hashbrowns (both McDs and the tater coins that Burger King and Taco Bell use). I’m sure there’s a memory file needing that tickle.
All of this but with the Choclate ones. I've convinced myself that one of these a day is better than a pint of ice cream. The math checks out. I also feel horrible after eating one and slip into some sort of coma.
Tastykake! (Haven't seen them out here, but I think the big gas station across the bay has something vaguely similar.) And Trader Joes sells frozen hash browns that are pretty much the same as McD's.
I started out being a cherry kid but now it must be the lemon.
Little chocolate donuts, breakfast of champions!
All credit: You set 'em up, I just knocked 'em down
That takes me way back ...
My mom used to buy a bag of those donuts to take on our annual vacation (usually camping or staying at a cabin Up North) so they bring back very specific, very good summertime memories for me. ❤️
I grew up in a bakery. My parents were both bakers, and good ones. My dad made the best donuts I've ever had. If you hand me a pack of those little chocolate donuts (or the powdered sugar ones), I will eat them with delight. They're not quite donuts, and yet...
Agree. Most Hostess is Grosstess. You can taste the hydrogenated oil. However... I admit to having a weakness for Sno-Balls.
Sno-Balls! I don't even like coconut or marshmallow, but my Grandpa took those in his lunch every day and I got to go with him in summer and had a matching lunch. What a memory.
My body does this with McDs chicken nuggets. Can’t stand even the smell of them for most of the year, but then one day it’s all my brain and body want and the only thing that satisfies. Like, why???😂
Oh, ugh. They're like, POWDERY. *nom* Not the outside, but the actual "cake" part. *nom* And also, yeah, the wax. *nom* I don't understand why anybody touches *nom* them. Oh, no.
The Entman's Choclate hit the same way but have a better quality of Choclate, and more cake. Tastey Cake also make mini donuts that are slightly higher in quality than hostess so you can self loath a little less.
The orange cupcake is much better than I expected
Those and powdered donuts.
Those donuts! My stomach will curl up into a ball and cry if I eat most "junk food" because it's sensitive about everything after the plague but every once in a while I will roll up on a pack of those donuts (or an even more rare Ho Ho) and they're like heaven
donettes. we're not legally allowed to spell them the other way.
I was hung over one day and the only thing that would help were chocolate donettes. And a friend was really pleased that I said dough-nets and not dough-nuts. :)
No judgement - I love the powdered sugar ones, lol.
I used to really love ho-hos and they are not available in Canada (that I've seen anyway), one of the few things I miss from the states
Mine are the "sweet sixteen" powdered sugar ones. Quite literally, once a year...
Mine are the blueberry off brand version of those at a local gas station Just neeeeeeed a couple of them and then everything is right as rain
Yes! I get nostalgia cravings for donettes and chef boyardee mini raviolis once a year or so.
As a child, we each got 2 of the white powdered ones, and 2 chocolate ones. It took all I had to make them last because I knew I wouldn’t get more.
I have the same thing but with pringles
they are the only product that tastes REMOTELY like the old trans fat containing Hostess products. I think the magic wax coating keeps the moisture in the cake or something. Every so often I will try one of their products and just end up sad and disappointed cause they don't taste right.
Everyone has something like that. Mine is a sudden desire for wildberry pop tarts. It happens once a year.
I remember. Waxy, brown things. Used to love the Swiss rolls when I was young.
I'm in the Philly area, and I don't like Tasty Cakes. I actually prefer Hostess, when I do actually eat a treat like that every decade or so.
They're laced with crack cocaine.
My local Lidl has a larger version of those that's fantastic.