
All of this is to say that if it’s Biden I’m 1000% on board. Harris, same, my dog, same. Don’t care. Not letting perfect be the enemy of stopping our democracy from turn into a monarchy.
Ok what I really need right now is a no-bullshit, non-hysterical breakdown of our options for Dem president candidate this November. No sense in bed wetting or pointing fingers. What is the precedent. I’m sure somebody smarter than me has written the definitive guide so please link me to it, thx 🙏🏻
I say we run biden because he won the primary and op-eds don't vote
I think Biden should step down and endorse Kamala Harris. However, if he stays in, I will support him 1000%. Hypothetically, if Kamala Harris becomes the nominee, what will you do?
wonder where my primary vote went
I don't view stepping down because it's finally become undeniable that you are too old as much different from dying, in terms of its effect on the election.
I don't understand what people are thinking. What's the point in talking about all of this at such exhausting length? We all know what we need to do. People who might NOT vote for the Democratic ticket, whatever it might be, are not our people and we can't change them. But OUR course is clear.
Like, anybody who still wants to be PERSUADED is either too ignorant to bother with or is not a good-faith actor. We have to just dismiss those people and hope SOME of them are bright enough to come around.
I think if it's anyone other than Biden, and "anyone" pretty much 99.999999% has to be Harris, it *has* to be Biden that initiates it. He'd have to affirmatively step down and pass the torch as opposed to being forcibly removed
Well, sure. I'm not sure there IS a mechanism to "forcibly remove" him. This is up to him and always has been.
I'm mainly addressing the "contested convention" fantasies that would only result in Democrats eating each other alive
Oh, of course. Those are just political fanfiction. It happens every four years because political writers want it to someday happen SO BADLY. But in a case like this year's, how would that even happen? Like, there would have to be a floor vote to release the Biden delegates or something?
Like, I haven't even read anything explaining how this would somehow be made to happen, because it's so ridiculous on its face.
Same. But the things you asked for would be really nice to have in pocket.
Sack o’ potatoes, sure! In fact, that’s my new nickname for Biden. Can’t wait to tell any Trump supporter, “Trump? Hells no! I’m voting for the sack o’ potatoes.”