Molly Robison

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Molly Robison

The most worried person you've ever met. Harmony Witch, but ultimately a failed musician. Orphan. Cook. Amateur knitter. She/Her. I prefer dogs to people.
Body in small town Wisconsin, spirit in a cabin in a very remote forest.
Also when I say I want to live hermit style with as few possessions as possible, I am not being funny or hyperbolic, so purchases like this make me feel physically ill and very, very unhappy. I made it almost 35 years without making any major purchases. Let’s go for 50 years this time.
To the surprise of absolutely no one, buying a car is a wildly demoralizing experience when you’re poor. But here we are, demoralized with a car.
Brb buying a car 😬😬😬😬😬😬
I would like to live in the wizard's house that is also a bridge, thank you
Reposted byAvatar Molly Robison
“And I took that personally.”
Remember the record sales day we had last week? We beat it today. By a lot. Welcome to the first bad day I’ve had at work. I grade myself on whether I felt like more of an asset or a burden by the end of the day, and today definitely skewed burdensome. I couldn’t keep up.
Baby is buying her first car tomorrow. Oh fuck. Oh jeez.
Oof. We sure are politically dicked, huh? Who’s your pick for a ticket replacement? My coworker is dying for Michelle, which I think would be lovely. Harris would be great, too, in my mind, but in reading the room it seems like folks have zero confidence she’d win. What say you?
Also, I am working in a place in which I *actively want to stay late and help* which is absolutely wild as I am, reader, secretly very lazy. 😂
I got a work hug and I cannot tell you how badly I needed a work hug.
I feel better now.
You can also add "being an overt dickhead to Jehova's Witnesses" to my activities this morning but I don't feel at all bad about that one. Keep your horseshit off of my doorstep, please.
You can also add "being an overt dickhead to Jehova's Witnesses" to my activities this morning but I don't feel at all bad about that one. Keep your horseshit off of my doorstep, please.
She’s executor of the estate; legally there isn’t a lot I can help with. But it still makes me feel just wonderful.
If you ever want to feel really stupid, inadequate, and burdensome, have both of your parents die and then watch your older sibling who is 100x smarter and more capable than you are handle their estate while you sit idly by like an asshole.
If you ever want to feel really stupid, inadequate, and burdensome, have both of your parents die and then watch your older sibling who is 100x smarter and more capable than you are handle their estate while you sit idly by like an asshole.
Literally *ran the line* from 4-7:30. I am elated.
Reposted byAvatar Molly Robison
Vance looks like the kind of guy who needs to chug a gallon of milk after eating the mild salsa at a restaurant
At the risk of being insensitive…EL, and I cannot stress this enough, OH EL.
NEW: Local police warned Secret Service before the Trump rally that they didn't have the manpower to watch the building whose roof the shooter ultimately used, per local and federal law enforcement
Secret Service was told police could not watch building used by Trump rally The warning from local law enforcement of insufficient manpower adds to questions about whether there was adequate security for the high-stakes presidential campaign visit.
Sorry, I can’t come to work - my dog has figured out what time I leave every day and now he looks at me like this, so I guess I’m unavailable forever. I don’t make the rules. 🤷‍♀️
Just me, muting Star*ucks and Tayl*r Swift on absolutely every platform I use ever because they both make me want to commit crimes.
Today my sister and my partner are having dinner at the restaurant, so no pressure for me! 😅
Sourdough Pretzels recipe by King Arthur Baking Company (though I did do a baking soda bath because I like the chewiness). 🥨🍽️
Oh no I have to feed my sourdough starter I guess I have to make pretzels. How sad. 🥨
Oh no I have to feed my sourdough starter I guess I have to make pretzels. How sad. 🥨
This is a perfect photo.
Blackberries, echinacea, and bee balm.
The smell of a Camel Turkish Royal being smoked on a hot summer day brings me the very fondest memories of my youth. Golly I wish smoking weren’t so bad for you.
Treats for the neighbors. King Arthur Baking Company’s Blueberry Muffins. 🧁 🍽️
Every day they scoot a little bit closer to the edge. Today I cooed at them a bit and they seemed to enjoy that. 😂 I’m assuming they’ll fly the coop any day now.
I love my dog for many reasons, not least of which is the fact that when he decides it’s a good idea to house a bunch of grass, he does make sure to get onto a non-carpeted area before puking it all back up. (Good morning to me. 🙃)
TEOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Atta boy!!!!!!!!