
Honestly, letting private equity work its destructive magic on an NFL team might be the best way to show the country how malevolent it is
lmao it's over
The usual private equity move is to take over, rapidly sell or borrow against every asset to hand the people behind the takeover an instant profit whatever happens to the company being taken over, then let the resulting zombie company lurch onwards. Might be hard to apply to an NFL team.
On the other hand, maybe my conception of what an NFL team is is too narrow, there might be assets to sell off after all, especially the stadium and nearby land. Thinking of the Texas Rangers model: isn't really a baseball team, it's a politically connected land seizure and redevelopment company.
This. Normal people might think of an NFL team as, you know, the sports team, whereas equity vultures simply see that as one aspect and then there are the properties, the accounts, the licensing, you know, the true stuff they can pillage and loot.
This has happened to some European football clubs and brought about regulation. I'm sure politicians and courts in the US will embrace similar regulation. /s/