
imho “there are nazis on twitter” shouldn’t make you shame ppl for not abandoning twitter it should make you want to have a long hard think about why a lot of Black and Asian people still prefer twitter over bluesky
i like and use this site but almost every day i do i see wild, unhinged instances of antiblack and anti asian racism and talking about it does exactly nothing so tell me more about the racism on twitter and twitter only
fyi this is what started this conversation for me today:
Yeah people acting as if there wasn’t a harassment campaign to push Black people away from this site and then turn around and wonder why Black are still using Twitter, like come on man.
Tangentially related (and not to speak over this conversation) in October a lot of people who spoke about Palestine left- partially because Twitter was genuinely a way better place to get information (which isn’t really this place’s fault that’s just size) but also because of the… vibe
i honestly see this as directly related given the breakdown of people who are vocal about palestine (esp early on) and the islamophobia inside white liberal spaces too
Yes- I also think there was this idea that you couldn’t really show up with your full self if it made people uncomfortable sometimes?
totally like weird toxic positivity vibes
Yeah like this weird dismissal of “oh we are on the right side so we don’t need more of this here” and like I’m not one for “all things all the time need to be doom and gloom” but also like do you even know what’s happening or what you could possibly do to help? I don’t know if I’m making sense
Yup. I look around at the demographics of people who have been speaking out for Palestine and the demographics of people either shouting us down either because they're Zionists or because they want us to just shut up and vote for Biden and it's painfully obvious.