Steven Schein

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Steven Schein

American living best life in the south of Spain. 11:11. Sourdough baking and original music. Independent, issues-based politics. IG @moosetunes234 TikTok @stevenschein919
We will all need to wait for the facts of course if we can get them. It may be that the ear injury wasn't even from a bullet at all. When you are a habitual liar, it causes one to have habitual doubt.
I wouldn't put it past Trump to orchestrate a martyr-quest shooting event like this. The coordinated follow-up social media messaging alone about how "they" (Liberals) did this to him makes one wonder. The dude is desperate.
England v. Spain tomorrow. Should be fun.
Religious leaders should be holding Trump accountable for his disgusting behavior. If not, they are complicit and equally disgusting.
Firing or arresting the traitorous SCOTUS justices could be considered an official presidential act in order to preserve the constitution. This is not a time for the meek.
Don't get comfortable if you see a national poll showing Biden leading Trump by any margin. The only thing that really matters is winning in key battleground states. Get out the vote in those places.
Project 2025 is finally getting the attention it deserves. Any supporter of it is telling you precisely where they stand. It should scare you directly to the voting booth. Remember - the action is to vote and get others to vote. It is the ONLY solution.
My new definition for "terrorist" is someone in a decision-making capacity who would rather kill innocent people than negotiate peace. As it relates to Israel and Hamas/Palestine, they are all terrorists.
Note to self> Your TikTok feed is a mess.
BOT conversations in my DM are generally very polite, however persistent. They always want to know where I am from for some reason.
Hear you loud and clear. Seems like all these constitutional rules and laws all get challenged when it gers time to use them.
I would think this would just get pushed to SCOTUS and either delayed or rejected. The only thing to do is vote.
I really wish I could give all the people anxious over the Trump verdict a chill pill and a dose of reality. This verdict won't change a thing in regards to Trump's support. Go ahead and expect the justice system will let you down here and start focusing on the election. Make a difference there.
I hate to say it but the outcome of the jury deliberation is meaningless. The only thing that matters is the election in November. Get clear about it and get people to vote.
I really need 1x1 to equal 1 right now.
Everytime LeBron loses Michael gets new wings.
Go Knicks! It has only been 50 years.
I noticed there are many pet owners on Bluesky. I would imagine everyone has their own tips and tricks for pet care. One of mine is putting a tbsp of broth on my dog's dry food. She downs her food like she is at a Michelin restaurant.
You are right. I think we all had a nagging suspicion it wasn't going to go down as advertised.
There is white Jesus, black Jesus and orange Jesus.
If Trump doesn't produce $455M today it would be quite remarkable to me. It would mean that he, nor his family (thinking Jared) nor his wealthy friends were willing to bail him out. How sad that is and how awful a person you must be for that outcome.
We can thank Nikki Haley for sticking around long enough to show everybody how never-Trumpers are a huge problem for Trump. I still think going all the way to the convention was the power move.
My life may not get any better than listening to the Everly Brothers sing backing vocals on Paul Simon's Graceland.
I have to believe that despite the relative insignificance of the DC primary, the loss must be eating away at Trump's inflated ego.
I fear to have been enjoying that Cookie bird on Tik Tok much more than I should.
South coast; Andalucía. I now have a sudden need to find Ponche Caballero. Cheers.