Martin Paul Eve

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Martin Paul Eve

Principal R&D Developer at Crossref | Lit Prof at Uni of London | Music on tici taci records | My books: | Personal account.
"Behind every man now alive stand 30 ghosts, for that is the ratio by which the dead outnumber the living" - Arthur C. Clarke. A statement that analogously shows the problem for archival preservation systems. The afterlife of "dead" documents will be longer than their lives.
Today I implemented Broder et al., ‘Syntactic Clustering of the Web’, Papers from the Sixth International World Wide Web Conference, 29.8 (1997), pp. 1157–66. Despite its age, it does a good job of clustering "roughly similar" documents. Next up: vector space techniques.
My book, Theses on the Metaphors of Digital-Textual History, is out today! OA copy for download but also available to purchase in print if you don't fancy reading 400+ pages on screen. Discount code for Stanford UP in the blog post.
Theses on the Metaphors of Digital-Textual History is out today! I am very pleased to say that my book, Theses on the Metaphors of Digital-Textual History, is out today!
This afternoon, I began research into the state of the art (and history) of document similarity detection as part of a move on content drift. Wondering also whether various authorship algorithms might raise the same signals.
Tomorrow is publication day for my Theses on the Metaphors of Digital-Textual History. Typically, a sharp-eyed friend has found a few small mistakes of etymology therein, too late to correct. So here's a little set of errata.
Errata for Theses on the Metaphors of Digital-Textual It’s always frustrating to find errors in a work that has already gone to press/been through peer review, but unfortunately my friend Pete Christian has unearthed a few minor mistakes that I want to p...
I wrote a chapter, in English, for a German publication. Now they keep asking me to sign a contract in German, which I cannot read. But I am being clear: I will not sign a contract that I do not understand and cannot read. This is a basic legal principle.
Wear a mask. Even if you just start popping one on at the store, on the metro, in meetings at work, at your job when someone else is in a mask. Any additional masking slows the spread and makes it more possible for people like me to be in public places. You don't have to be perfect, every bit helps.
New today: CDC now estimates that SARS-CoV-2 levels in wastewater have reached "high" levels nationwide, for first time since past winter wave At state level, 26 now have COVID-19 levels that are "high" or "very high" in wastewater
Looking forward to the final today. Spain looking pretty good. Serbia vying for a record.
One of the frustrating things about home haemodialysis is setting everything up if you're tired or feeling under the weather. It takes about 45 minutes to get it ready and I sometimes think: I really wish a nurse could do this!
It seems pretty mean that the winner of wheelchair tennis singles at Wimbledon gets pretty much the same prize money as a first round singles player.
gamers are fucking incredible, man possibly the biggest, whiniest babies in all of existence
"Mr McAulay pocketed more than £1m in wages in the year 2020/21. On top of his £435,000-a-year salary, Mr McAulay was also handed a £550,900 bonus, meaning with pension payments and benefits, his overall pay package was a hefty £1.082m."
Water bill row: Firms say £19 a year rise is not Water firms have hit out at bill rises of £94 over the next five years after wanting bigger hikes.
Oh dear. I have overdone it. I can't walk today, at all. And that's not an overstatement. I really can't take a single step. Supposed to be at the hospital today. Have cancelled. We were planning a pub lunch outside too on a day off work - but I can't even get to the car.
Well, I did it! I managed to get a needle into the fistula. I failed the second needle - got the angle wrong - but the dialysis nurse says that I made great progress. Some patients can't even put the needle in on the first try, apparently.
Well, here goes. Today I have to start learning to put my own needles in. They're inch-and-a-half long monsters; so long that you get given an injectable anaesthetic before they go in! Anyway, I'm nervous, despite injecting myself sub-cutaneously for years.
certain people: "52/48 is an overwhelming mandate for changing absolutely everything, you lost get over it" also certain people: "if they get a supermajority they shoudn't just do what they like"
Interestingly, ChatGPT can solve and explain some cryptic crossword clues but its description of the wordplay is massively out.
This photo is pure 2024.
At #sharp2024 and hearing Ellen Forget talk about OCR processes for Braille books. Many complications in training a model for this task.
Really hope Count Binface got in
Good progress at hospital today. We got 2x 1.5 inch needles into my arm and didn't use the central line, for the second time in a row. If we can continue this for 3 weeks, we can take the central line out of my chest. Next week, I will do a needle myself.
I'm only here for the pictures of dogs at polling stations.