
This is one of the things that keeps me going: the whole right-wing project is so close to falling apart, if we can just win.
that the whole project is at serious and maybe fatal risk if trump is imprisoned or loses in the fall and that conservatives on the court have a duty to try to prevent that any way they can, through the most motivated reasoning they can conjure.
I really believe we’re on a knifes edge here. Win in November, and the right collapses for at least the medium term. And let’s just not worry about losing, because there be dragons
This, rage, and naps is what got me through today
I am weirdly without rage, guess I expected all this shit so long ago it's almost a bit anti climactic. These people are who they are. We either beat them/keep them in their place or they start having like public hangings and shit .......
I don't think it just "falls apart" when there are billionaires willing to spend money on turning people into rage junkies for the social decline du jour, but this is probably their last, best chance at getting control of the levers of power. They don't intend to relinquish them.