
where are the fucking editors at these papers, man? is there literally *anyone* in charge of ensuring clarity or readability?
i'm just trying to read a normal article about an election that occurred. please. that's all i want
setting aside *whatever* political bent these are coming from, in what fucking world does “sort-of landslide” explain what is happening for the reader? if you are not writing to be clearly understood, then what in the fuck are you doing?
Basically Labour didn't win, the Conservatives lost. Labour's vote totals only increased about about 1.7%. The Tories dropped 20%, of which probably 3/4 of that went to Reform UK, who are even more reactionary and racist than the Tories are. Whichever of those 2 parties wins the power struggle
over the voters on the right will probably take 100+ seats back in the next general election based on combined numbers. Labour has a huge opportunity because they more or less CAN'T be forced out for 7 years, but they have to do something with it to grab more of the electorate than they have now.
I see loads of papers calling this a victory for the left when in fact all that happened is the RW vote was split and in a first past the post system that rewards a party that stays together and keeps its vote total intact. The whole thing is really worrying IMO