Lou Roper

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Lou Roper


Historian of the Anglophone world in the very long seventeenth century. Co-General Editor, Journal of Early American History. Professor @ SUNY-New Paltz.
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This is professional malpractice, @bostonglobe.bsky.social only covering this aspect of the speech.
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A lot of Zionists, and the President of the United States and his friends in particular, are going to downplay the significance of today's ruling but it is in fact a historic victory for us Palestinians. A half-century ago we barely registered on the world stage, today our rights are the consensus.
unsurprisingly the ICJ found Israel's continuing occupation unlawful. it's important to underline that the American & German judges jointly issued an opinion agreeing and recognizing the following (full text at www.icj-cij.org/sites/defaul...)
(ed. the 14th Amendment, Slaughter-house Cases, 'originalists', Sc*lia, 'Pumpsie' Thomas, etc., notwithstanding was indeed ratified to compel state obedience to national laws, viz. breaking up Klan marauding @gauthamrao.bsky.social )
Y'all peep that 'save segregation, vote states rights' sign? There's an important connection there that I emphasize in The Originalism Trap tinyurl.com/originalismtrap
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Loving the cover - and thanks for the very kind blurbs! yalebooks.yale.edu/book/9780300... 🗃️
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THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — Top UN court rules that Israel’s settlement policy in occupied Palestinian territories is contrary to international law.
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On Trump’s speech last night, Arnel Ramos, 21, a food service worker living in Milwaukee, said: “You read a lot of stuff about what this guy says, but to actually sit down and hear it and sit through it, it was just insane to me,” she said. “That’s the only way I can describe this whole ordeal.”
What Undecided Voters Thought of Trump’s Speech: Mostly, Not Muchwww.nytimes.com The former president did not win them over — not that they like the alternative.
The Dorsky certainly punch above their weight--but I'm biased since I recruited the splendid Guyanese artist (and my good mate) Andrew Lyght to have a retrospective there www.newpaltz.edu/museum/exhib... Andrew's catalog, designed by Carmen Calderon of our Communications Office, won prizes
I love exploring small college campus galleries and art museums. I’m glad they exist. SUNY New Paltz’s Dorsky Museum has a nice show about language and miscommunication, ft Gala Porras-Kim, Christine Sun Kim, Frédéric Bruly BouabréC Carmen Argote, and others!
The Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art | SUNY New Paltzwww.newpaltz.edu
@ookwow.bsky.social 😁
"You can't call exurban Cincinnati a backwoods mountain town" seems unremarkable as a clarification but we lived through 8 years of all the national newspapers insisting that Connecticut prep school Yalie George W Bush was descended from a long line of Texas cattle ranchers, so...
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Let's all be clear: Trump's time is almost up (he can't even stay awake at the RNC). Peter Thiel's programmable Opus Dei android JD Vance is the real play by MAGA billionaires & Leonard Leo to usher in Project 2025 and theofascism. Full stop.
One wonders what he learned at The Ohio State University (ed. beneficiary of public higher education) and (inevitably) the Yale Law School @gauthamrao.bsky.social
Anyway here’s more of the history of fascists who try to tell the public “professors are the enemy,” he’s in really good company here with people like Richard Nixon and, of course, Joseph Goebbels
Op-Ed: When politicians claim professors like me are the enemy, what are they really attacking?www.latimes.com J.D. Vance says professors are the enemy, a charge made by authoritarians who are notoriously anti-intellectual.
In Which Lester Dolt and the wretched Nora O'D*nnell Demonstrate How Not To Be A Journalist On A Nightly Basis 🙄
It's just incredibly fucked up that one of the two major parties is demanding the largest forced migration in human history -- the sort that historically result in mass death -- yet since Saturday, the arbitrators of civility have told us that to call this what it is would be fomenting violence.
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It's pretty astonishing that the current POTUS is getting bullied out of a reelection bid bc the paper of record threw a hissy fit he wouldn't sit down with them, while the former POTUS, a convicted felon who wants to deport 20 million Americans gets coronated. Nixon is so pissed.
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If you think the party the took the time to print out all these posters isn't serious about mass deportations you're either intentionally naive or support it and just afraid to say it out loud
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“This resolution-passed 68-9-altogether rejects the establishment of a Palestinian state, even as part of a negotiated settlement with Israel.” Experts have been saying this is where things are/are going for years. Annexation has been Likud’s stated goal for decades. The gov is doing it openly now.
“The Knesset... firmly opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state west of Jordan. The establishment of a Palestinian state... will pose an existential danger." Will America's zombie Israel-Palestine policy take note? Signs point to "no." www.timesofisrael.com/knesset-vote...
Knesset votes overwhelmingly against Palestinian statehood, days before PM’s US tripwww.timesofisrael.com Motion backed by coalition along with some MKs from Gantz's party; vote could further irk Democrats who support two-state solution and are critical of how Israel has fought in Gaza
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In 1686, Louis XIV developed a painful anal fistula that medical science of the time could not yet treat. To avoid irritating it he walked with a swaying waddle that nobles and other status seekers began copying to curry favor with him, to show they too had buckets of pus leaking from their assholes
"So I stuck a plaster to my ear, as was the style then"
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Fidelity Investments, Charles Schwab, and Vanguard run charitable investment accounts funding Project 2025, and are protecting the identities of donors funding our country’s push towards fascism. Wall St empowers fascism because fascism protects Wall St.
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I've seen a lot of one-offs of people holding these signs, but what is truly chilling is a sea of these being held up by delegates.
In case you missed it this was one of the official signs handed out by the RNC for delegates to wave. Not a joke, not a.i.
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A lot of people aren’t ready for what could be coming. From my field: people shouldn’t think tenure actually will mean anything. If they want to target people, they’ll do it. There’ll be mass firings, the legal process will go on for years, and then they’ll get a positive 6-3 SCOTUS decision.
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Find someone who looks at you the way Project 2025 looks at billionaires who are willing to cut Super PAC checks. At least 63 billionaires are funding Donald Trump’s campaign. It’s not a secret why. It’s actually on the Project 2025 website.
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This is true, and a true scandal.
This is an enormous scandal and reason for all academics to withhold labor from Taylor and Francis/Routledge
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Reposted byAvatar Lou Roper
Yes. I co-edited a handbook for Routledge and have not been asked about this. I will be taking it up with the society of authors here in the UK and I hope many others now do the same.
This is an enormous scandal and reason for all academics to withhold labor from Taylor and Francis/Routledge
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Reposted byAvatar Lou Roper
This is an enormous scandal and reason for all academics to withhold labor from Taylor and Francis/Routledge
Reposted byAvatar Lou Roper
🚨BREAKING: Federal Court DISMISSES Trump campaign and RNC lawsuit challenging Nevada mail-in voting law. A big victory for our clients and the voters of Nevada. Another loss for the vote suppressing GOP. www.democracydocket.com/cases/nevada...
🚨 Voting Rights Victory in Nevadawww.democracydocket.com Read about the latest voting rights victory in Republican National Committee v. Burgess.
So where does his own absurd book fit here? Middletown, O. (hometown of V*nce) is between Cincinnati and Dayton (a/k/a suburbia) and is miles away (geographically and culturally) from 'Appalachia'.
Someone should create a book consisting of deleted and/or retracted comments by JD Vance and call it “Conscience of a Conservative.” This is a tweet he deleted when he ran for Senate.
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Check this shit out. Actual Appalachian writers are fighting back against this JD Vance jokester. Hub City Press compiled an actual booklist of real Appalachian writers on bookshop. @crystalwilki.bsky.social is on it. @upfromsumdirt.bsky.social bookshop.org/lists/books-...
Books by Appalachian Writersbookshop.org Check out this list on Bookshop