
I don't get it when people point out that Project 2025 is "nothing new." Yes, obviously, right-wingers have been fanatics for decades. They were blowing up abortion clinics and shooting doctors when I was a kid. But, as you may have noticed, their political vision has kind of been coming together.
We'll be talking about the 90s as an era of right-wing violence in an upcoming episode of Movement Memos. I think understanding the trajectory of anti-choice violence is really important right now.
however I definitely remember the "Executive As King" part was brewing during the Bush II years
Oklahoma City was during the Clinton years
True, but that’s very different from Project 2025
Ok, fair enough. But there was the “Project for the New American Century” during Clinton. And of course the Powell Memo was 1971.
Not the same exactly, but the same in spirit.
yeah that's closer. there have been many right wingers but the... organized nature of 2025 is what disturbs people
I'd been following historians who talked about the fall of empires during the 90s, and their predictions for the US really hitting the fan in the 2020s. And it was the day the Patriot Act passed that I was like "they nailed it". Way too much power with the threat of a shift to authoritarianism.
Surely them feeling comfortable publishing it as a plan in a clear report cover that they distribute to literally everyone should worry the hell out of us 🤦‍♀️
The heritage foundation has published many similar tomes since the 80s. For me what's different is they used to want to be in the shadows and not perceived, and now they're gleefully seeking the spotlight.
I hope that’ll be their downfall That heritage dick getting up and with a full throat saying this is the second American revolution is pretty hard to brush aside
It is worrying, but it also makes me wonder if they've gotten at least somewhat high on their own supply. Traditionally, cartoon villain gloating BEFORE the Evil Plan has been accomplished doesn't tend to go well. we need to play our role too, though.
The fact that they're openly talking about effectively ending Democracy in the USA is scary as fuck.
Yeah, it’s this for me. I’ve seen a lot of effed up shit, from Reagan to “contract with America”, but I haven’t seen “end of democracy” so clearly wished for & planned towards.
The republicans have clearly Wished for this for decades. But saying it out loud? Publishing it in writing, and not being booed out of politics for it? That is .. worrying. They seem to think they can do it and walk.
All the more reason to take their psychotic fascism very seriously. They've always wanted to do it. Now that they have Convicted Felon Donnie Trumpler on their leash, they have a path to making it happen. Simple solution. DON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN. Period. Dot.
Yeah, the GOP having a clear and explicit public roadmap to Christofascism is new.
They've had those before, honestly. But they are closer than ever to bringing it all to fruition. Project 2025 is an actionable map for the moment we're living in, and shit has been going their way lately.
The breakdown of political norms, probably starting with the selection of Palin as a “viable” VP candidate is what has brought about the difference. It has meant that entertaining support from the violent non-voting minority on the right has become viable and with it their agenda and means.
Republican controlled states, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, etc have already implemented state versions of Project 2025. The Supreme Court is a project 2025 court
It’s not. They’ve been working on that for fifty years. FDRLST has been growing activist judges to install in federal courts and the Supreme Court for that long
I’m talking about the literal document
They updated it but they’ve had those for basically as long people just haven’t been paying attention
I’m not trying to be contradictory but since 1981 they’ve been publishing a new 「 Mandate for Leadership 」 around every presidential election They just think they’re in the endgame now and are getting more brazen and ostentatious about it now
The Trumpism is a major qualitative change from before
The most extreme elements have never had the bully pulpit like this. 20 years ago Bush built the ‘Big Tent’ with most insane elements relegated to fringes, they wanted their votes and none of their policy. Now they are the core voters and driving policy.
After roe v Wade I knew it was only gonna get worse
Heck, they said as much the day after Dobbs came out. They first said "Let the States Decide" to try and downplay the authoritarianism of Dobbs. Next thing you know, limp dick Mickey Pence is demanding, *demanding* a national abortion ban. So much for Letting the States Decide. Evil scumbags.
And they have actual power that they didn't before.
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Creating a plan that any incompetent shithead can carry out as long as they have the levers of power is way more dangerous than just their general agenda. They have a fucking fascism starter kit eBook now.
They got some minor fraction of their goals in some of the states, and now they're going for broke to meet ALL of the 50 year old plan in one fell fucking swoop AND OH YEAH install president-for-life, or at the very least party dominance for life. too many people: "how much worse can it get?"
When you put it like that it sounds completely stupid and brain-dead. Abortion bans failed in fucking Kansas. Which is one of the most blood red states in the nation. And they want the entire pie because SOME of what they wanted was achieved?
They're desperate. I think we all need to remember that. Wounded, tired, cornered animals fight like this. Dangerous, yes, absolutely. But you can ignore the Wizard of Oz posturing (yes I mix my metaphors, sue me). They are not The Great And Powerful. they're terrified of their own mortality.
Has it? This is just repackaged “deal for a new American century.” I’ve seen this same shit my whole life they just stopped couching it in lingo.
I’m not entirely sure how you can question that they’ve continued making progress toward their goals in a country where many can’t get abortions or gender affirming care, and entire states are opting out of providing food for children during the summer.
My question is why and how their political vision is coming together when a Democrat has been in the White House for 12/16 years
Because they never gave a damn and kicked the legs put from under the people that did give a damn.
Possibly because Trump named 3 of the 9 SCOTUS Justices?
2 of those were hubris on the part of the Dems and RBG
Not sure what the fuck that matters? It's still the how, the why doesn't mean you get to ignore the how
Because requiring winning every election or else your entire political strategy is dismantled is never going to work. Both of those appointments should have been dem, and it was plainly obvious then. These aren’t randos at the bar, these are elected officials, this is their entire job.
Yeah voting didnt have any factor in this process
Basing your entire political strategy on winning every election from here on out is stupid, combining that with doing fuck all to improve the lives of any of those voters and catering to the donors while you’re actually in power is doubly idiotic. I hope it’s a conspiracy bc no one is THAT dumb
Fine, but it's also bad how many people's political strategy was "refusing to vote for less than perfect and then being shocked by getting much, much worse than that"
I had this reaction (only to myself though, I don’t know what good it does to voice it publicly!) because it’s all stuff they’ve been writing down, saying, and doing for a decade+ so I wasn’t sure why this particular iteration made people pay attention. Doesn’t make it any less scary tho!