Miss Riss

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Miss Riss


I will always cherish the original misconception I had of you

Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
Why do the republicans have a 900 page book of specific actions they plan to take, backed up with 50 years of small local victories making them possible, and the democrats don't? Where is the democrats' version of that
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
Hot and bothered. But not like that.
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
So many people just joined to ask me questions and I am so excited to answer them! I do so much research and reading that doesn’t make it into my words that nonetheless makes me really good at explaining why I know what I know. Sign up! Ask me things!
Frankly wish more people would subscribe to my Patreon just to ask questions, as the best test of a perspective is to process an issue in real time patreon.com/gothamgirlblue
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
god aggressively shoving my nose in my posts and saying “NO!”
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
It's not even that scary of a branding actually the branding sucks. "Project 2025." Senior project ass name.
"Project 2025" is a very scary branding for "things Republicans have always wanted to do and in fact have been doing all along."
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
if my fridge had a see through door I’d still have to open it to look I trust nothing
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
Do you really want four years of the French pointing and laughing at you and going...hoh hee hoh hee hoh???
Do you REALLY want four years of us brits going "yeah we do eat baked beans on toast but at least our leader isn't a fascist cheeto wankjob, haha"? NO you DON'T.
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
like the lap of the waves against the shore, our belly fat in the throws of passion
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
imagine being a french right winger spending the last week's since the EU election absolutely giddy at the prospect of the end of centrist rule, only for centrist rule to be replaced by a left coalition
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
if the body is going to keep the score it should at least have those little bowling alley animations too
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
Its fine guys we’re not 10 years out from catastrophic long term disability hitting every major nation at once
Almost 18 Million Adult Americans Have Had Long COVIDwww.sciencealert.com That's 7% of the US population.
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
I can swallow a big handful of vitamins with just a tiny sip of water. - me flirting
This is good, but also makes me incredibly angry the Dem trifecta here in WA refused yet again to make universal free lunch a thing.
Meanwhile eight states, seven Democratic trifectas (CA, CO, MA, ME, MI, MN, NM) and Vermont, took a lesson from the pandemic and made universal free school meals permanent.
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
If money doesn't buy happiness, at least it buys impunity.
Hoping to get rich or famous today so consequences will no longer apply to me
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
Live, laugh, let’s pick a new format
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
Bolts is akin to Last Week Tonight: a much deeper dive on important issues than you're likely to get most anywhere else. Like, they have a guide to judicial elections. This is important stuff that gets skipped over by way too many outlets.
For folks who've appreciated my coverage of the French elections... @bolts.bsky.social is quite different—but we cover US politics with such attention to detail. So give us a follow if you've enjoyed this, and care about the US. And our newsletter is free! boltsmag.org/newsletter
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
From Insta: When your therapist tells you: "The fact that you're considered 'high functioning' doesn't mean your illness is easier for you to deal with. It means it's easier for others to deal with." ☝️Interesting bookends to my day👇
You're a person, not a chore.
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
That moment where your naked tootsies get to be all out and free under the covers tho. What a time. WHAT A TIME.
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
Smokey the Bear: only you can prevent forest fires Me: how did they get prevented before I was born Smokey the Bear: ok well yes, others can also- Me: too late Smokey the Liar
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
Live, laugh, lull you into a false sense of security
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
*shoots a hot dog out of a bun like a blow dart*
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
Sometimes I'm annoying on purpose just to see if I still got it
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
I can relate to desperation My give-a-fucks are workoholics
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
The number of people who have replied to either argue or bemoan that “MAGA doesn’t care” like that’s the voting bloc we have to mobilize is going to make my brain melt out my ears like taffy on a warm summer’s day
“They want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.
Weird how the loud disruptors in the Dem party across the media having their little panic machination games mere months before the election are all from coalitions/caucuses that did more to thwart Biden's agenda than any other, huh. Maybe folks can finally tell all the centrists to fuck off and die
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
As the election draws closer, dems will more desperately begin throwing critical, core constituencies under the bus, alienating one group after another in frantic attempts to woo the imaginary undecided voter. Turning several bigotry dials back and forth at once, the worst safecrackers.