
this guy on Twitter posted his extremely mid LSAT in an effort to complain about affirmative action and then got bullied so hard he deleted his account
a bunch of websites basically let you see what schools you’d get into if you were an underrepresented minority, and it radicalizes white kids at an astounding rate
Is there any actual accuracy to those websites?
yes, it’s not precise, but they pull from real data
They should make one that shows you what your GPA and scores would have been if you went to an underfunded school, had to ride 40 minutes on the bus each way and work two jobs through high school, instead of having Dad drop you off in the Tesla
Also adjust for the after school tutors, Kumon, psat/sat prep…
Take out the GPA boost from having a robust AP program too.
Can you name one? The only data that I have seen has major ecological inference problems.
I just found a blog by PowerScore about it. Google “ underrepresented minority applicant law school admission advantage PowerScore.”
Powerscore is a company that also sells LSAT prep tests. I don't necessarily think that translates into expertise on law school admissions.
I agree, IDK how reliable the data is. What I do know is this guy wouldn’t have gotten into any top school even if he was black w/ a 150. And the scores bump that some schools give (if true), while significant, aren’t outrageous. Getting a 168 is still top 10%, so you’re qualified for many schools
Wow. That data is worse than I could have imagined: self-reported with no attempt to validate or determine reliability. They don't even report the sample sizes. Some of the results indicate clear data problems (eg Case Western supposedly admits underrepresented students at a 36,457% higher rate).
So for fun Case Western has an undergrad pop of 6186, assuming the most generous case of a 100% retain and graduate rate that gives an incoming class of 1547 students that would require them to have.... 5 white students in every incoming class. LOL.