
this guy on Twitter posted his extremely mid LSAT in an effort to complain about affirmative action and then got bullied so hard he deleted his account
a bunch of websites basically let you see what schools you’d get into if you were an underrepresented minority, and it radicalizes white kids at an astounding rate
If you can’t distinguish between “I would get into law school if I could flip a magic switch and be counted as a URM” and “I would get into these schools if I were born as a URM and everything that entails,” idk maybe not a great lawyer in the making
not a great lawyer, but a future supreme court justice in the making
and weirdly, it's clarence thomas
I had a much better LSAT (but much worse GPA) and only got accepted to one law school, and it was a late acceptance at that. I never once thought, "Man it is all the minorities fault." How does that even enter your mind?
There is an entire (lucrative!) industry built around planting that idea in the softest minds available.
I've never given a second thought to an opportunity I didn't get and I simply can't fathom caring enough about who *did* get it to take time away from looking for the next one.
Is there any actual accuracy to those websites?
yes, it’s not precise, but they pull from real data
They should make one that shows you what your GPA and scores would have been if you went to an underfunded school, had to ride 40 minutes on the bus each way and work two jobs through high school, instead of having Dad drop you off in the Tesla
Also adjust for the after school tutors, Kumon, psat/sat prep…
Take out the GPA boost from having a robust AP program too.
Can you name one? The only data that I have seen has major ecological inference problems.
I just found a blog by PowerScore about it. Google “ underrepresented minority applicant law school admission advantage PowerScore.”
Powerscore is a company that also sells LSAT prep tests. I don't necessarily think that translates into expertise on law school admissions.
Be a great way to radicalize aggrieved mediocre minds ready to believe random websites on the internet.
Yeah those people would make great lawyers 🫠
Great at what lawyers should do or great at what lawyers do do?
With a 150 LSAT we'll never have to find out
I averaged 9 ppg/5 rebounds and 2 assists as a point guard at community college but because of wokeness the NBA discriminated against me
And Asian kids unfortunately.
one of the many functions of racism is to help extremely mediocre white people save face. “i would have had that job if i were an unqualified negro” is classic.
On top of that, we've basically outsourced the entirety of "emotional support" for any hardship white people endure to racism. When I got rejected from my dream job, it was striking how virtually every expression of care/comfort I got was couched in language of "it's hard for white guys right now."
I was "lucky": I knew who got the jobs I didn't get and (spoiler!) it was mostly other white guys. So even in an extremely emotionally vulnerable state, I knew the story was bogus. But it was still something to behold just how quickly and naturally the mechanisms of "support" fell into that groove.
i have such a distinct memory of kids in my high school blaming affirmative action for why they did not get to go to their first choice colleges
When I was applying to a certain law school I heard from “folks” that a white guy would never get in because of affirmative action. First day at that law school I saw that the white guy crowd was fairly well represented. I presume this is not a unique story.
this is the thing. the fact that few if any of our most selective schools are majority-minority does not even begin to dent the presumption that affirmative action is keeping white kids out of college. what it does suggest, however, is an implicit belief that even one nonwhite kid is one too many.
My computer science advisor, a man I otherwise liked very much, told me to my face in 1991 when I was applying for summer programs that if I were not "a woman or a minority" that I would simply not get one of those positions. (I got a summer job at IBM T.J. Watson Research. He did not help me.)
I am just so struck by this kind of message. Do you know what I, and so many of my peers, heard from our parents and other trusted adults? That to get anything we wanted we would have to work twice as hard, be twice as diligent, and prepared to try and try again.
It's so weird. Like they all know one white guy they tried to help get a job and it didn't work out and now they think it's impossible for white guys to get jobs and they don't see all the white guys getting on-boarded because they're only 60% of the new cohort.
how dare he blame underrepresented kids for his own ignorance we see, thirty years on, how the computer industry totally excludes white men from positions of power
I was told this same thing when I was applying for USCG Officer Candidate School as a young enlisted. The person who said it was a soon-to-be-retired Captain with a long career behind him. I didn't get in. But at least two other white guys did, so I guess I just wasn't wardroom material. Ah well.
My kids are in high school and we are unfortunately hearing kids and their parents blaming diversity for their failure to get in to their preferred college.
oh, they could literally ban black people from attending college and these are people who still blame diversity for their failures
presuming they're white and you want a fight: a great opportunity to tell them that since the supreme court struck down affirmative action + the tendency of schools to lower admissions standards for boys = if they didn't get into the school they wanted this year, they're probably just plain dumb.
"Preferred college" is one of those cultural things I feel like we need to massively unwind somehow. I went to the big local state school and my career has frankly been perfectly comfortable. Its really unclear how much college prestige matters for income outside of the 1%
Any great school rejects 90% or more of their applicants. Harvard and Stanford reject 96% of applicants. Their beef should be why these top schools admit 33-40% legacies, donors kids (Kushner), and foreign students? Meritocracy? 😂
This is a comforting mindset when your kid is a dingdong, tho
They were doing the same thing in 1997 when I was applying to college
One of my favorite things about that response is how the people who have it are immediately assuming that every white person who was accepted is legitimately better than them