
imagine being a reporter at the wall street journal and knowing your parent company is working as hard as it can to get the guy elected who is callously working to keep your colleague in Russian prison in a treasonous plot to gain an electoral advantage
i mean i guess i too have had jobs where i knew my boss would literally kill me if it meant more money from him but i'd expect journalists to have a little self respect and at least act like theyre unhappy about it
The Wall Street Journal would essentially have to stop being the Wall Street Journal. Which, yes! It should.
I suspect most of Evan's co-workers would happily send him and many other co-workers to the Saudi Embassy to get bone-sawed to death if you told them it would help Trump destroy his enemies.
WaPo journalists immediately memoryholed the fact that Trump's son in law helped a foreign regime butcher one of their correspondents so I would expect WSJ's to do the same.
Isn't caring about other humans against the rules at the wsj
isn't this a crime? Like I could be misremembering but isn't there some law against private citizens mucking around in diplomacy like this?
also really has to be said: this is Reagan making a deal with Iran to hold onto the hostages until after the election except he's just doing it out in the open not even trying to hide it. Reagan sold the Iranians US weapons; you've got to wonder what he's promised Putin.
Ya probably just tell yourself “at least he’s not prolonging the Vietnam War and getting another 15-20,00 American boys killed!” Before you cash your paycheck.
I think this son of a bitch should be arrested for extortion.
The Reagan playbook all over again.
stiff upper lip territory it appears
You mean credulously regurgitating Johnson and McCarthy lying about signs of senility is a choice?