
Lot of talk about the cops in the Hamptons, and that's a great time to bring up the absolutely insane levels of corruption that's been uncovered inside the Suffolk County Police Department
Suffolk County Police Department -
Genuinely appalling stuff *even by the standards of tri-state area police corruption* which is saying something!
Also fun to talk about the culture of drunk driving in the Hamptons, where everything is really far apart, there's zero public transportation and Uber and other ride hailing services are essentially banned.
It's an incredible county in a lot of ways
i lived there when there was this whole scandal of high school students beating up hispanics because the county sheriff made a policy of running an immigration status check on anyone who reports a crime and it only ended when they beat up an indian guy on a green card whom they thought was mexican.
if you remember the samantha bee daily show bit from maybe ten years ago about long island secessionists, that was filmed in a bar about ten minutes from where i lived.
NASCAR president Brian France tried to "do you know who I am" out of a DUI in Sag Harbor in 2018. Sadly they did not know who he was
Reminds me of the quotes when Paul Pelosi got a DUI in Napa, where the other rich people there/in SF were saying that the police just normally help you get home safe without giving you problems for having one too many glasses of wine
i lived there when there was this whole scandal of high school students beating up hispanics because the county sheriff made a policy of running an immigration status check on anyone who reports a crime and it only ended when they beat up an indian guy on a green card whom they thought was mexican.
Good God. When people talk about "Sanctuary Cities" the opposite of this is what it's supposed to mean: the community is safer because even undocumented people feel they can call the cops, wait with an accident victim for an ambulance, etcetera, without fear of deportation.
Most reliable way to make six figures on the island.
The book Jimmy the King by Gus Garcia-Roberts chronicles a bunch of this.
Burke & Spota: The subject of way too many podcasts I’ve listened to in the last ~4 years