
they should've been in handcuffs by the end of Biden's inaguration speech. Failing to act immediately might be the decision that dooms the Republic.
Really enjoying the 'aprehendido' tag on the vest
Or Brazil. The criminal side is still making its way through the system, but the political ban on Bolsonaro running for office again came pretty quickly.
Go to Freedom House and see how many countries in Latin America and the Caribbean are better democracies than the US these days and it’s definitely sobering. Some of them were dictatorships in my living memory!
All you need to arrest someone is probable goddamn cause, Merrick! Tell me how you didn't have that on Jan 21, Merrick! Oh, you're worried about speedy trial time? Okay, sure, here is your evidence: [motherfucker admits to committing crime on cross when you say he's too dumb to do crimes]
I'm never gonna forget the feeling of having the news on all day and all night on the assumption that I was eventually going to see either an impeachment vote or a Trump resignation speech and it just ending with neither one happening. Felt inexplicable, even in the moment.
When Obama watched several Republican senators commit treason by sending a diplomatic note to a foreign adversary just to piss him off and he did nothing, it was pretty much downhill from there
History rhymes. We’re still recovering from not hanging Davis and Lee on the capitol steps
We are literally the only county in world county to not respond to a violent autoglope attempt. Just letting the politicians walk! And run for President!
Damn straight. Missed opportunity which may damn us all. Maybe biden can try it this time?
that would have been neat