

KDennis21 in a past life
Reposted by PawlThompson
The press wants Trump because he doesn't ignore them—this paragraph from CNN's own Jake Tapper.
Reposted by PawlThompson
I have never seen a better example of the bored punditry pretending two ideas cannot exist in people’s heads at the same time than “biden is too old to run” and “I don’t care that biden is too old to run if that’s all you’re gonna offer me”
Reposted by PawlThompson
This day in history. 1504. Bogdan III the One-Eyed became Voivode of Moldavia. I don't know what that is but I hope it works out for everyone.
Reposted by PawlThompson
Reposted by PawlThompson
It’s weirdly reassuring that Black Twitter-style virality is still possible with the actual Twitter made deliberately as hostile to Black users as it’s ever been
Reposted by PawlThompson
the man has an undeniable, once in a generation talent for utterly humiliating every single person stupid or greedy enough to try to do him a favor
Trump has repeated accurate news reporting as "fake news" and described journalists as "enemies of the people." Journalists he describes as fair might want to do some soul searching.
Trump Hails CNN and ‘Very Professional’ Jake Tapper and Dana Bash: ‘They Treated Me Very Fairly’ Former President Donald Trump praised CNN's Jake Tapper and Dana Bash for their moderation of Thursday's debate.
Reposted by PawlThompson
ross douthat and bret stephens, for example, should have absolutely zero credibility with democratic party voters. none. they are not democrats, they have never been democrats, they have always been partisan republicans. if you want an *actual* nevertrumper, you read jennifer rubin.
a lot of these articles are via never-trump conservatives (who i respect even if i disagree with at times) that also sold us a couple wars on a credit card along with the belief that twitter was resemblant of normies in the 2020 election. so call me skeptical.
Reposted by PawlThompson
What you would do when authoritarianism comes to America is what you're doing right now
Reposted by PawlThompson
It was a Gish gallop, a term coined by my former boss Eugenie Scott for a creationist tactic in debates. And in prepping Bill Nye to debate creationist Ken Ham, we came up with a counterstrategy: do your own Gish gallop back. Force Trump into the same corner.
Reposted by PawlThompson
It is enormously frustrating to know, as an evolutionary biologist with experience from the trenches of the creationist wars on science, that nobody on Biden’s team nor CNN’s seem to be aware of the Gish Gallop, 30y after Eugenie Scott described it and years of Trump deploying it!
"CNN Defends Decision to Not Do a Journalism"
Gish gallop -
Reposted by PawlThompson
it really fucking bothers me that this collective hysteria has me defending joe fucking biden
Reposted by PawlThompson
Reposted by PawlThompson
The other debates in my lifetime that were like this were the Trump-Hillary debates, where Hillary ran circles around him performance-wise but made little impact, while Trump was doing the work of hammering home his important campaign themes and catchphrases.
Reposted by PawlThompson
While pundits were watching based on the "Can Biden speak clearly" frame they had established as the most important storyline, swing voters were listening to what the candidates were saying:
Each person is given a dial. You can turn it up as high as 100. If you love what you are hearing, turn it down as low as zero if you hate what you are hearing, and every time Trump opened his mouth, those dials dropped, they just absolutely plummeted..
Trump’s Debate Numbers Plummeted With Swing Voters Every Time He Opened His While the media is obsessing over Biden’s age, more data is emerging about just how terrible Donald Trump’s debate performance was.
Reposted by PawlThompson
Reposted by PawlThompson
I wrote about a this particular camp of prominent leftwing academics who are allowing their singular, disdain-driven focus on (neo-) liberalism to completely distort their perspective on the Right and on politics in general:
The Anti-Liberal Left Has a Fascism Prominent leftwing intellectuals are allowing their singular, disdain-driven focus on (neo-) liberalism to completely distort their perspective on the Right
Reposted by PawlThompson
There it is: A position completely untethered from empirical evidence, as ridiculous analytically as it is dangerous politically, propagated by anti-liberal leftwing intellectuals who are solely animated by their disdain for “the Libs” and have abandoned any regard for accuracy.
Reposted by PawlThompson
Biden's age is just a stand-in for whatever criticism would be lobbed against another Dem. Making them younger would only shift the issue. I was just thinking earlier today how Dems ran a veteran in 2004 while war was the main issue, and the GOP successfully smeared him *for winning war medals*.
Reposted by PawlThompson
Big hat tip to for treating uncertainties as uncertain, with both downside and upside potential, rather than what many pundits are doing: imagine a positive scenario and act as if things will smoothly go that way if only people try it. Doesn't seem like a high bar. And yet...
Reposted by PawlThompson
Shit I forgot I'm apparently supposed to tell before doing violence on the feed.
Reposted by PawlThompson
Your regular reminder that the only politics poster you have heard of, professional or otherwise, who has had the wherewithal to actually run for office is Will Stancil
Reposted by PawlThompson
remember when he was in walter reed with covid and they showed pics of him “working” and he was just writing his name real big with a sharpie on a blank piece of paper
Reposted by PawlThompson
One of the funny things with pundits being alarmed about Biden being old and not making decisions is that it implicitly suggests that when Trump was president he was looking over dossiers and intelligence briefings and not just watching old episodes of Baywatch
Reposted by PawlThompson
Reposted by PawlThompson
This is damning with faint praise but With his current brain, Biden would still be able to figure out on his own that bombing Iran is a Bad thing to consider, whereas Trump, with his Brain, often had trouble getting to the end of that very easy SAT question.
One of the funny things with pundits being alarmed about Biden being old and not making decisions is that it implicitly suggests that when Trump was president he was looking over dossiers and intelligence briefings and not just watching old episodes of Baywatch
Reposted by PawlThompson
I’ll say this as generally as possible: those of us with speech impediments/difficulties are seeing a whole lotta people this week and won’t be forgetting it.
Reposted by PawlThompson
Reposted by PawlThompson
So who’s “us”?
Reposted by PawlThompson
the truth is a tremendous number of powerful people have been extremely careless with that power for a very long time in regards to the threat posed by donald trump specifically and the revanchist right generally. and they are *just now* realizing the problem several years late and panicking
Reposted by PawlThompson
Biden's favorables within the Dem party are the same as Obama's was in 2012. These pundits are really just mad at the Dem base for chosing Biden again, but don't have the fortitude to just say that.