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Reposted byAvatar Muchacho
To be fair, the alternate universe where Hillary Clinton is finishing up her second term and there's only 7 supreme court justices because she never held the senate for even a second, is probably really annoying to live in too.
Look at the video - the professor expresses concern about the assault of a protestor, touches no-one, and then is assaulted herself by police
Reposted byAvatar Muchacho
9.4M jobs lost, 14.8% unemployment, the economy collapsed, daily death tolls greater than on 9/11, the top 10 deadliest days in American history included multiple days in 2020, mass graves and bodies kept in refrigerated trucks, and we couldn't buy water, toilet paper, or masks.
I don’t understand how Inflation(tm) became conventional wisdom. I’m under 60 and have experienced tremendous inflation in my lifetime, from rising home prices to medical insurance to the Trump trade war with China that jacked prices.
My Roll Call column on the "State of Joe Biden" address: "Biden's problem is that voters have strong feelings about how they are personally doing financially, which severely limits the power of White House framing. Remember: Americans under the age of 60 have almost no experience with inflation."
President to deliver ‘State of Joe Biden’ address as he seeks reelection - Roll President Biden's State of the Union address is a chance to convince voters he is up to the task of a second term, writes Walter Shapiro.
Reposted byAvatar Muchacho
can’t believe i still see so many liberals trying to debunk gop talking points as if they are actually outlining disprovable arguments, not clumsy pretexts for projecting power. you people sound like you are attempting to out-logic a squid dragging you underwater. use a fucking machete.
Reposted byAvatar Muchacho
I would like to pose some hypothetical questions to the insurrection-deniers: Is there anything Trump could have done that *would* have unambiguously constituted insurrection — anything that you’d acknowledge *does* require disqualifying him? 1/
End of feed.