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"the oil and gas industry has gone from denying that climate change is a problem to admitting that it is a problem but blaming the public for it. The industry that gave us gas for lighting is gaslighting us."
The Gas Industry Is Gaslighting the Public about Climate A fossil-fuel executive blames consumers for the climate crisis
The Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business says Poilievre's brother Patrick is Indigenous
Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business The board of directors is a collection of accountants, gas & oil and mining execs, money people - all White Buffalo Tribune is a fake news site involving Pierre's brother Patrick and almost all White
Canadian Council for Aboriginal The CCAB promotes, strengthens and enhances a prosperous Indigenous economy through the fostering of business relationships, opportunities and awareness.
Civitas Canada Council for National Policy Nazis KKK The Conservative Party of Canada
Yes, Civitas Canada is the same as Council for National Policy I can link several members of both. Paul Weyrich links to Poilievre through Craig Chandler and Ezra Levant through Gerald Chipeur Candice Malcolm links to Elsa Prince via Shopify and Stardust Network
Council for National Policy -
I can’t believe the Supreme Court just ruled that the president can sleep outdoors in a public space.
Are the people that helped get Donald Trump elected from Calgary and Victoria and Belfast and work with Pierre Poilievre? Michael Terrigno John Ehrman Arnold Breitkreutz Richard Cook Brian Fox Ian Paisley DUP Aggregate IQ SCL Brexit Prince Nawwaf bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Peter Haestrup
Victoria BC based AggregateIQ (AIQ), previously SCL Canada, was founded in 2013 by Zack Massingham and Jeff Silvester AIQ was paid £3.5 million by four pro-Brexit campaigning groups including Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party - to design software to influencing voters
Yes, the National Citizens Coalition is a cover It's not just devoted to making public health care illegal Its purpose is to take over Canada and give it to corporations The child rape is a feature, not a bug
Common Sense 🇨🇦 National Citizens Coalition "More freedom through less Government" Pierre Poilievre describing more freedom through less government and winning $12k and 4 month internship with rapist billionaire Frank Stronach over his NCC Common Sense white supremacist upbringing #cdnpoli
The Coulson Group Stardust Network Vigilant News Network is defending Steve Bannon Steve Bannon is connected to Falun Gong with Guo Wengui aka Brother 7/Miles Kwok and the New Federal State of China NFSC NFSC is connected to Pierre Poilievre the New Federal State of China NFSC who seem to be represented by Conservative MP Kenny Chiu aka Zhao Jinrong
Pawlowski is an #IDU operative. He traveled across the US with Trump rallies. Flynn created the Qanon pysops. Pawlowski is self-described Polish mafia. Chipeaur is part Polish. Harper attends Pawlowskis church when he's in Edmonton. They flew his Arturs son to the EU to spew C19 conspiracies.
John Baird and Pierre Poilievre accussed of being pawns of China foreign interference
They mad...
Official Liberal Candidate to topple Pierre Poilievre's 20 year riding of #Carleton, Bruce Fanjoy, preemptively blocked all paid-CPC political operatives & they're super butt hurt. Brilliant move, gets his name reshared to thousands of opposition voters of the alt vote choice. Lisa MacLeod is scared
They always go on about the return of Christ Christ has returned several times in the past 2000 years They persecuted and/or executed every single one It's tradition However, Dolly has lawyers, guns and money Fill your hands, you sons of bitches
they came for Dolly. we ride at dawn.
Leyla and Arzu Aliyeva controlled two previously hidden British Virgin Islands-incorporated firms — Kingsview Developments Limited and Exaltation Limited Jason Kenney's brother runs a British Virgin Islands law firm that provides business services. Martin Kenney & Co (MKS) (BVI)
Artur Pawlowski is a Michael Flynn Black Robe At 46:02 Tanya Gaw misquotes Luke 22:36 "..let him sell his garment and buy one." It is a metaphor. Jesus never said go forth and cut a bitch. She is advocating religious terrorism.
Every accusation is a confession Artur Pawlowski is Polish mafia operating in Alberta as a preacher. He works for Flynn. Accusation about child sex traps
End of feed.