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Najja Porter. Storyboard artist • Director • Writer • Animator.

Sometimes I make instrumental music:
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Of course! Typically i first find the line of action then add some hatching to the lines around it to help emphasize it. The amount of hatching depends on how fast or how much energy you want to convey. Everything thats moving should reinforce the line of action. Clothing also helps a lot with this
Drawing some stuff for Mother’s Day. Here’s some Storks art because I still love this movie
Started rewatching YuYu Hakusho and I couldn’t unsee it.
Show me how you draw/paint women
Show me how you draw/paint women
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My latest Guardian Books cartoon.
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This is what I really believe about intelligence. If you're not constantly aware that you could be wrong and that there's important stuff that you don't know — that there are ways of knowing things that come from outside your limited experience — then you're not very intelligent, by definition.
Lately I keep thinking our biggest problem is that we confuse intelligence with loudness and arrogance, when really it's the opposite. Intelligence is humility. It's listening and paying attention. It's understanding there's stuff you don't know or understand. Fuck the Smartest Man in the Room.
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Here. I made this for you.
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It’s apparently that time of year again! Happy International Asexuality Day to all my fellow Aces!! Treat yourself to some ace-cream today! 🍦💕✨
Been a while since I’ve done comics! This is part of a writing project with my partner
Reposted byAvatar Bloochikin
I'm copying 's Twitter post on this subject, but I made one for Bluesky because it's so important; these simple free actions are vital to an artist's success on this and any platform.
Blueberry jam in my sourdough toasted grilled cheese. Fight me.
"i don't like mayo" "i don't like diet coke" ok what DO you like what food do you like that's just a little controversial personally i fuck heavily with anchovies on pizza. also sardines from a can. also i love blue cheese. none of that's like. THAT weird. but people have resistance to it!
Reposted byAvatar Bloochikin
People are so enamored of the image of writing as uniquely impossible and dependent on some undefinable concept of "inspiration". It's bricklaying. You learn how to do it right, then you learn how to variate, then to experiment. That's it. It's work. It's a job. A craft.
Spent all day working on this animatic from a script my writing partner and I are writing.
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Working on Available For Work post haha hehe
This is prob not a thing anymore, but my sister and I would search pictures of DB art, print them out, and draw them later. Wish I still had all my DBZ drawings from middle and elementary. Sadly, I threw them away when I moved to CA cuz my car was full 😭 RIP Toriyama. One of my earliest art inspos.
Trying for one drawing everyday since I’ve got nothing better to do. Wish me luck
Some SBP margin sketches
Found some old BotW sketches I did a while back and totally forgot to post
Well, it’s official. This chapter of my life is over. The best so far. On to the next!
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What if...we stopped giving animated projects to writers and comedians who've never worked in animation outside of maybe a few voice roles? What if...the way to heal the animation to give projects to people with experience in, knowledge of, and passion for the medium? That'd be neat.
Reposted byAvatar Bloochikin
Look I know you have a lot on your plate right now and it’s stressing you out but I’m gonna need you to abandon it all to lie still and become unconscious for about eight hours and if you can’t relax enough to do that your brain will destroy itself and everything will be so much worse. Sweet dreams!
First post! Here’s some doodles I’ve compiled.
End of feed.