
unpopular opinion: Hunter Biden getting convicted is a good thing, actually, it's not good when ppl get to break laws because their daddy is a big shot and before we start the outpouring of sympathy about all he did was forge forms theres thousands of ppl who will sleep in jail tonight for weed so
just saying, if youre position is that the laws are unfair and reform is needed then there are literally a million cases concerning ppl who do not have a daddy in the WH that are way better to take up and argue the point
Actually, probably not a very unpopular opinion at all, more I think about it
Yeah I don’t see a bunch of Biden supporters doxxing the witnesses or threatening the jurors. On the whole Democrats seem to accept HB getting convicted, up to and including the president.
I have plenty of complaints about JB but the contrast is stark and speaks well of him.
Most of those cases are not public and are not available to talk about. No one is saying he personally should be not charged, just trust the law itself should be changed
Absolutely agree. Addiction is awful but being white & rich & famous & actually proved guilty shouldn't alter consequences. Yay for the Bidens for supporting him & allowing consequences.
I just posted something similar from my own experience.
Those charges wouldn't have been brought against anyone else; it was a political prosecution. On top of which it may be overturned on Second Amendment grounds.
Yeah, I favor massive reform in the direction of abolition but making things better starting with the president's family in particular is indistinguishable from corruption
is it unpopular? i haven’t seen anyone say he shouldn’t be prosecuted
Lots legal folks said was super overcharged as felony vs misdemeanor + previous cases charged is minuscule while the original investigation a deeply problematic political flailing hunt created by Trump. So, once this filed, not so many said shouldn't be prosecuted but circumstances were/are bad.
that seems like valid criticism that is also often applied to cases with people who aren’t the president’s family. forging documents is a crime, whichever level
There are problematic bits, like shop backfilled the doc so provenance iffy. Prosecutors went out of pocket w non-relevant years of salacious drug activity details vs window he did 'crime' he was on the wagon. Clear he wouldn't have been investigated much less charged if not for GOP and Trump.
the funny thing is that both Hunter and Donny got convicted for crimes that boiled down to "putting the wrong thing on a form to cover up doing something they weren't supposed to." But the GOP will still yell that there's "two types of justice for liberals and conservatives."
The only sympathy I've seen is people trying to bring attention to the law itself. Which I think is a fine way to address it
I have sympathy for him but don’t think the outcome was wrong.
As much as I hate to say it, I don't think he will spend a day in jail.