
I suspect the Dems think this is gonna play out the way Dobbs did for them electoral but it's a veery dangerous gamble, there is so much at stake here
So, today's decision has even LESS support than Dobbs:
I mean King Brandon can do whatever he wants
That only works if they actually start talking LOUDLY about just how bad this is Because for most people SCOTUS stuff is all just yawn And the media isn't helping
yes, most people have no fucking clue what just happened or what it might portend It should be the centerpiece of the Biden campaign now.
I dunno. This is so fucking dangerous to give to an unhinged, vengeful person who feels he was wronged. I think most people can sense that.
I don't think it will. Not because Dems aren't mad about the decision; they are. But even presidential immunity doesn't have the emotional weight that Dobbs does. The Biden election campaign appears to be committed to it's electoral thesis; "Dobbs sucks. Trump is crazy. Vote for the normal guy."
Oh, I think if you frame it as "Trump can and will kill his enemies, suspend the Constitution and stay in power" people will pay attention. But will they?
A legal ruling from SCOTUS that less than half of voters will even know happened and only a rounding error will read themselves will inevitably move the needle even less than the House's J6 hearings. And the J6 hearings, good as they were, appear to have done very little harm to Trump.
Dems aren't the ones who decided to gamble.
I don't think that what you're describing was a gamble as much as a good old fashioned grab