
"Why aren't you posting about Gaiman" because I don't know anyone, don't know the allegations except they exist, haven't heard the podcast, am far from an expert on any aspect of this & the worst thing about the internet is everyone feeling the need to weigh in on topics they are not qualified to
I can promise you there are at least a thousand people on this app with far more of value to say on every aspect of this topic than me and at least half of them will have posted on the subject and all of those posts will be better informed than anything i say, gonna stick to what I know, thanks
That isn't in the spirit of the Internet, Shiv. [I'm glad someone round here is sane and rational.]
"I don't know anything about this so I guess I will shut up about it until I do" is underrated really. Also I'm just going to assume that a lot of very expensive lawyers are doing very expensive lawyer things right now and more information will emerge when they are done.
“Nobody needs to know my uninformed and probably horribly incorrect opinions” is a sentence that can serve a lot of very people very well.
THAT out of the way: anyone who tries to harangue you because you haven’t spoken right now on THEIR burning hot priority, esp when you’re not exactly Representing whatever here, can take a flying fuck at a rolling donut. Life is short.
“Let me keep tagging this person to ask why they haven’t chimed in on x topic yet, then when they respond to say ‘idk enough about this to respond yet’ let me call them names and cuss at them for denying that x happened.” Not my fav thing about the internet
Yeah, it's kind of a close cousin to [bad thing happens] "Hey, this bad thing happened. That's bad." "OH SO YOU'RE SURPRISED? MUST BE NICE TO LIVE IN YOUR LITTLE BUBBLE."
As a gen x’er (well, xennial) I have to take responsibility for that attitude, I’m afraid. We crested the attitude of constantly needing to one-up each other about how completely unsurprised we are by how shitty the world is. It’s our one contribution to the culture Sorry
Don't apologize. As a slightly older Gen Xer, you learned it from watching me, all right? You learned it from watching me!
They don’t make commercials like they used to I have a hard time explaining the horrors of living under Nancy Reagan morality
Next time someone is accused of bribing a rice truck driver, though, we all want you analyzing it.
Based. It's really obnoxious that folks call out others for not responding to every topic whether they're informed or not. Like sorry, no. Opinions are like assholes and no one needs to see mine. Wish other people knew how to stfu or say, "I don't know." (You are awesome, btw.)
I’ve been a big fan. I am super disappointed. I have no particular reason based on the story and what he himself SEEMS to have admitted o disbelieve it, alas. That said, if he says it’s an entire fabrication from this one source, I’d consider that. Just cuz TERFs suck doesn’t mean they’re lying here